Chapter 15

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After the end of the celebration party few hours ago, now there were only two women left inside the empty, quiet and lonely bar, sitting around a small round table with some wine bottles and glasses all over the table. Gina shook her wine slowly, watching the colour changed under the dim light, Elizabeth just drank her wine quietly, none of them willing to break this peaceful silence.

'....I still remember the time when I finally come back to Italy after my oversea study. I was so young, just 17.' Gina leaned on her forearm, smiled and looked at her wine.

'Gina, you grow old.' Elizabeth smirked and poured another glass of wine for herself.

'We both grow old, Lizzie. Although we don't look like it.' Gina waved her hand in the air dramatically and Elizabeth smiled softly and took a sip of her wine.

'You are right. We are no longer young. Things change a lot.'

Once again the atmosphere returned silent. Two women staring at their glasses, fell into their own mind deeply. Everything looked so peaceful, so quiet. They both knew they must talked about the thing but it was very difficult for them to begin. At last, Gina took the first step.

'You own me an explanation, Elizabeth.' Gina put down her glass and looked at Elizabeth seriously.

'I know. That's why I am here.' Elizabeth sighed and put down her glass, too. She knocked the table nervously, not sure how to begin.

'...Ema did perform well in the interview.'

'So why she was not chosen at first?' Gina asked with question.

''s complicated.' Elizabeth sighed.

Gina crossed her arms and legs, looked at Elizabeth impatiently.

'Ema really did well in the interview. She has enough knowledge and understanding of art, and her drawing. Oh, Gina, did you see it?'

'Not yet. She looked so vulnerable when she came back. I didn't dare to ask her anything about the interview.' Gina shook her head sadly.

'She really have talent, I can see that from her painting. All the judges can see that.'

'So what is the reason? I don't understand.' Gina frowned. Elizabeth avoided her staring and lowered her gaze on the table.

'Gina...' Elizabeth sighed.

'I am serious, Elizabeth. I don't like to see my girl with that face.'

'I can't.'

'Elizabeth Turner, if you don't give me a good reason, then leave. Now.' Gina frowned more and even raised her volume. Elizabeth looked her friend unbelievably.

'Serious? Gina?'

'Yes, I am.'

'Oh my. Gina, be reasonable!'

'If I am few years younger, I had already put my gun in your mouth. Which one you prefer? A gun inside you mouth or spill it out now?'

They glared at each other for few minutes, or maybe longer. They had no idea about the time, both sides unwilling to give up so easily, ever since they met in college. Although they looked so different, their insistence on particular thing were so similar, especially their stubbornness. Nothing could be heard except the ticking sound from the old standing clock and their heavy breathing. Finally, when the clock rang, both of them sighed in frustration and sat down.

'We act like a kid. So immature.' Gina sighed and closed her eyes.

'Agree. Professor had complained about this long time ago.' Elizabeth sighed.

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