Chapter 11

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'You better prepare yourself. I am looking forward who will win this conflict this time.' Hikaru stopped at here and looked at her who looked helplessly. He gave her the last shot.

'This war, you can't escape from it.'


'How dare she breaks someone's relationship and pretend she is the victim!'

'Get out of here, bitch!'

'Ema, you are a lovely girl, you should be spoiled by someone, and be a joyful girl as always.'

'I'm sorry...we are over.'

'Because of this event our reputation has been damaged. If we really help Ema then it will just ruined everything. That's the reason why you guys still acting like a coward. Especially you, Uyko.'

'Both of you! Everyone stop!' Masaomi yelled loudly.

'Miss? Miss? Are you alright?'

Shut up...


Ema snapped her eyes and found the stewardess was shaking her shoulder, looking at her worriedly.

'Miss? Are you alright? Do you need anything?' The stewardess asked with concern. Ema forced a smile to her and shook her head. She opened the window and found out it was already morning. She stretched and removed her seatbelt, went to the bathroom. When she saw her reflection in the mirror, she was shocked by herself. Her makeup from the day before had smudged beneath her eyes due to her crying last night, her bun was loosened and her hair was tangled together. She sighed and got a wet tissue to washed off the makeup, then she splashed some water to her face, washing away her tiresome and anxiety.

'Good morning Miss. What would you like for your breakfast?' The stewardess smiled to her and asked when Ema returned to her seat. Ema took the menu and flipped the pages.

'Umm, I would like to have a set A, and can you give me a cup of hot tea? Thank you.' Ema said and the stewardess nodded to her and left. Ema adjusted her seat and sighed. Soon, her breakfast was delivered and she was starving. She gulped the food and sighed in relax when she drank her hot tea. The warmth of the tea had given her comfort and courage for the journey she soon will have. At the following hours, Ema watched some movies and read some magazine, when she saw Miwa on one of the magazine cover, she swallowed difficultly and put the magazine back. She closed her eyes and decided to get some sleep before she arrived.

Milan, Italy

Ema took a deep breath of the fresh air of Milan, she smiled wildly when sunlight shined on her face. It was the first time she felt so relaxed and happy since she broke up with Shin. She took her suitcase and went to take a taxi to the town. She checked in a 4 stars hotel in the city and she spent days in Milan. The beautiful views, delicious food, colourful culture and passionate Italian had washed off all her anxiety and pain in Japan, regrets for leaving without telling and the sorrow had been replaced by the colourful Milan. Seriously Ema must admit she didn't even want to leave already.

However, happiness never endure in a place for long. The fifth day Ema stayed in Milan and she just returned from the street, she saw her poster in the hotel's counter. She swallowed difficultly when she saw the headline "Missing person" and the name of "Asahina". She immediately went back to her room and grabbed her things, checked out before anyone recolonized her.

'Excuse me, one ticket to Florence, please.' Ema spoke to the man in the counter of the train station in English. She had put on a pair of sunglasses and a summer hat, looked around for any suspicious people.

Brothers Conflict- Ema's Kindness Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum