Chapter 34

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Alexios frowned seriously while listening the reporting from his secretary. His bad mood was so obvious these days to everyone. As soon as the secretary finished is report, he immediately excused and left Alexios alone in his office.

Alexios sighed tiredly and released the knot on his tie, closed his eyes and laid on his chair. He rubbed his eyes and felt exhausted, both physically and mentally. He couldn't concentrate on his work ever since Ema disappeared, and this feeling annoyed him.

Just when he and Edgar finished dealing with the annoying guests, Tompkins ran to them and informed Lydia was found in the garden unconsciously. Edgar's face paled instantly to the news and ran to find Lydia.

At first he didn't have much strong feeling about it and planned to leave as soon as possible. Then he remembered he should at least greeted goodbye after all these troubles. Before he did so, Edgar came to him and the news of Ema being kidnapped was speared.

He didn't remember what he said or what he did since then. He just remembered Edgar entered his office furiously and sent him back to his mansion by force. Once he touched the bed, he immediately lost his conscious.

According to Tanaka, he had slept for 3 days, not even awoke in these days. It seemed like he worked too much and exhausted from works. That explained his sore muscle and extreme tiresome.

When he asked the reasons why Edgar did this to him, Tanaka seemed hesitated to answer. He repeated his question in a much serious and cold tone, this time Tanaka told him everything.

"Miss Emilia, she is still missing.." 

Alexios listened to Tanaka's explanation, how hard-working he had been after knowing Emilia was kidnapped, how he used all his power to search for her, how many meals he had skipped for looking her...

At first even he couldn't believe he would do such things. It was nothing like him, usually he would be so calm and even emotionless to this.

What's wrong with him?

Suddenly he just gave up all his previous works and back to his normal routine. He went to work and deal with his business as usual, attended different meaningless and boring business conferences and gathering, spent his free time with his wolf pack.

This was how his life used to be, everything just back to original.

Then why, he felt something important was missing?

Longer he continued his life, more uncomfortable he felt. There was something telling him, this was not the right way. Slowly he felt his body was getting weaker and weaker each day. Even he ate normally and exercise as usual, his body and mind were getting weaker.

Alexios sighed and sink himself into the leather armchair, considering to make an appointment with his personal doctor. Suddenly, his phone rang loudly in the silent office.

He frowned and picked up the phone, raised a brow to the name of Edgar appeared on the screen. He sighed and answered the phone in defeat.


"Alexios! Ema is back!" Edgar's nervous but excited voice came from the other side of the phone.

Alexios didn't know how he got on the car and even drove all the way to the Ashenbert Mansion. He just knew the moment he saw Ema who was hugged tightly by Lydia sitting on the couch in the living room, a heavy stone which placed in his heart had been removed instantly.

Ema was smiling nervously to Lydia's hysterical crying and chocked-tight hugging, Edgar just only smiled helplessly to her, shrugged. Her eyes widened when she saw Alexios standing next to the door, looking at them, or more specifically, looking at her.

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