Chapter 1: Cassandra

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I groaned as my friend Savannah fawned over me brushing my hair and adjusting my makeup. Frustration crept up on me as She helped me get ready for this damn dance. "Will you stop frowning?" She huffed and stomped her foot with an annoyed look. I rolled my eyes at her letting her know I was going to continue growing until I was home and asleep in my bed.

"You know that I-" Savannah sighed. "That you don't want to go. Everyone in the pack knows that you don't want to go! Will you stop complaining for once and focus on the positives? You're an alpha female, all of the males are going to be looking at you and wanting to mate you. I know that doesn't sound the most appealing, but think about it tonight may be the night you meet your mate." Savannah went back to messing with my curly black hair braiding it up into a sleek bun. I know I had agreed to go to the dance, but at this current moment I was regretting it.

"Sav, please-" I pleaded. "Why won't you come with me? It's not like you've met your mate yet either." I suggested. Savannah was the pack oracle, and typically they did not have a mate, but Savannah's wolf had been anxious the past couple days which made me concerned that she may have a mate and not know it yet.

"You know the Moon goddess does not give oracle's mates." I could hear the sadness laced in her words. I suddenly felt bad for bringing up her and getting a mate.

"Since I can't have one, I want you to make sure that you get yours so I can live vicariously through you." She smiled as she applied my lip gloss. Savannah stepped from in front of me walking into my closet and grabbing the dress my father had tailor made for me.

The triannual moon dance had a dress code of white for the women and black for the males, unless you were of a higher rank. Alpha's were assigned royal blue, since in more ways than one they were treated as royalty. Beta's were assigned red since they were the right hand man of the alphas. Since I was of Alpha blood I would be wearing a royal blue dress, it was long and touched lightly to the ground, the upper portion being a white with golden swirls. The lower half was a royal blue and fanned out beautifully around me. Looking into the mirror I was stunned at my appearance. My mocha skin glistened in the moonlight, my bright green eyes accented by natural brown eyeshadow, my lips full and glossy. My heart tightens, wanting so much for my mother to be here to see me. My eyes pricked with tears and I quickly fanned my eyes attempting to keep the dry and not mess up my makeup.

"You look beautiful." My father's voice caught my attention, I whipped around to find him and my brother standing in the doorway. My brother was in royal blue pants with a white button up and gold tie, his usually unkempt hair was smoothed into waves revealing his fresh undercut. I smiled at my family walking over to them as quickly as I could in my golden heels, and slung my arms around them. They each wrapped an arm around me, their love and affection pouring into me. Stepping back I smile up at them.

"Looking good, brother." I tease him by nudging his arm. He cracked a sly smile glancing up at Savannah who stood at my dresser putting my makeup away. He shook his head trying to go undetected, but I saw the look in his eyes, but I couldn't put my finger on it. In my eyes Savannah was gorgeous with her long wavy silver hair and pale grey eyes. She always looked other worldly with the contrast of her deep ebony skin and lighter hair and eye color. Cole stretched his arm out, "Shall we go milady?" He smiled. I grinned back, slipping my arm into the crook of his elbow. "We shall."

After getting together the unmated wolves who would be attending the Moon Dance they all filed into our pack bus while my brother and I slid into our limo, Alpha perks. The ride to neutral grounds took about an hour from our pack. Throughout the ride Cole and I discussed the dance and what to do if an emergency were to happen.

"Are you alright?" Cole asked, gaining my attention from the tree's passing by the window.

"What do you mean?" I gave him a curious look as I turned my body to face him.

"Your leg has been shaking for the past fifteen minutes, are you nervous?" He motions toward my shaking leg with his head concern written all over his face. My wolf had been pacing in my head, mumbling about her mate. But I didn't want to worry him, so I willed my leg to stop shaking and graced him with a smile.

"I'm fine, you know I do not do well in social situations that require dressing up. Don't get me wrong the dress is stunning." I reassured him, the concern melted off his face and was replaced with a warm smile.

The limo came to a stop and the chauffeur walked around to my door opening it and placing his hand out for me to take. I smiled thankfully at him knowing that without his help I would have fallen on my face in these heels. Stepping out of the limo with Cole on my heels I could help the awed gasp that left my lips as I looked around. We had come to a clearing where wolves had gathered. A line of trees surrounded the area with lights strung up lighting up the dark area. Voice boomed with laughter and the smell of food traveled around me.

"Whoa, look at you." Fletcher's voice came from behind me. He was in an all black suit with a white tie, his copper hair done neater than usual, he knew how to clean up nice. Fletcher flung his arm around me with a smirk and looked up at the open area.

"This is gonna be awesome." He cheered. I rolled my eyes at his excited behavior but couldn't help the giggle that slipped through my lips. We walked into the clearing wolves bowing at us as we passed. I held my head up high, set my shoulders back and walked with confidence, I am an Alpha.

Everyone mingled with other packs, including the many girls that swarmed my brother. I rolled my eyes and stalked off towards the drink table. My jitters had come back, clenching and unclenching my fists. I grab a cup off of the table praying that it's alcohol, I just needed something that would calm my nerves. Champagne, not as strong but it will do. As I sipped on my drink my nerves became worse, my vision blurred and I stumbled to the side. My skin tingles and my breathing hitched, I had to get out of here. I was having an anxiety attack. While they were not common with me, the moon dance was the one place I was expecting it to happen, it was after all the place of my original trauma. Setting down the cup I start to make my way towards the entrance of the area wanting to get away from the large groups of wolves. I open my mind link and search for Fletcher.

Fletch, I think I'm having an anxiety attack where are you? I continue searching and finally finding his wolf.

Head to the bus, I'll meet you there. He linked back before closing his mind again. The hem of my dress catches under my heel and I stumble forwards. I squeezed my eyes shut in anticipation of falling on my ass but after nothing happened for a second I had noticed a strong--no TWO strong arms wrap around my waist and shoulder preventing me from hitting the ground. Tingles shot up my spine making me shutter uncontrollably, my eyes widened at the realization. My wolf pranced around in my head and yipped MATE...She purred.

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