Arc 2 Chapter 23 End Of My Beloved Empress

Start from the beginning

Feng Shirui closed his eyes and looked at the sky, praying for Feng Xian Er to show his Meimei mercy.

Cordilia watched her children for a moment.

"Took you long enough to come. You're finally here" Cordilia said in disdain and turned to the cloaked person, removing her hood, it revealed Mo Yue Xin.

"Shut up, do you know how difficult and how far Da Long is!? I have to walk ah!" Mo Yue Xin said snorted and shoved Cordilia to the side and looked at the pair of dragon and phoenix (boy and girl; twins)

"At the very least they looked like your husband, it would be very unfortunate if they have your ugly face" Mo Yue Xin said and sneered, this made the maidservants and mamas on the side horrified at the boldness of this woman.

"I can't be ugly, my pride won't let me. You on the other hand... Tsk Tsk Tsk Tsk Tsk." Cordilia scoffed and gazed at the flat surface of Mo Yue Xin's chest.

Sensing her gaze, Mo Yue Xin almost blowed her top and scream in rage, Cordilia laughed seeing the constipated look on the other woman's face on holding back her anger in fear of waking up the infants before stomping outside, Cordilia casually followed. They walked side by side towards the garden outside.

"I'm their godmother, right?" Mo Yue Xin asked casually, Cordilia laughed and nodded

"Of course. Or would you rather give the tittle to Feng Qian?" Cordilia asked while raising a brow

"That woman can rot in hell for all I care! Feng Xian Er, I am telling you now, I don't care what you think but I am your spawns' godmother!" Mo Yue Xin pointed at Cordilia face and stomped her foot on the ground

The Maidservants looked at Mo Yue Xin as if she was a new species and they are the scientist. They almost have a heart attack when looking at Cordilia who had an amused yet fond smile that suddenly morphed in disdain. Looking closely at the rabid woman, although she looked haggard and dirty, her face morphed in anger and disdain, her eyes clearly did not show as such, instead there was something on it, the admiration, happiness, and awe could be seen.

'Ah... So she is also.... What did her highness called them? Tsundere... Ah that's the word' the maids thought, their Empress really has strange preferences.

"Better hold on to your title then. I'll be expecting good results from you" Cordilia patted Mo Yue Xin's shoulder before taking her hand away and wiped it repeated with a wet cloth.

"And take a bath, you look filthy and smell disgusting" Cordilia said in disgust

"Feng Xian Er, you bitch! First you praise me and then drench me with sewer water! You really are hateful!" Mo Yue Xin yelled in anger and indignation, Cordilia laughed only and lightly smack the finger away that was pointing at her face.

"Hurry up, we are going to have a visitor later" Cordilia said, this made Mo Yue Xin stopped her cursing and looked interested before huffing

"Fine whatever" she haughtily raised her chin and turned away.

Cordilia laughed and looked at the maids who bowed and lead Mo Yue Xin away.

Xue Jin Ying looked at Cordilia with a flat expression, "You want a lunatic to be our children's godmother? Can you be more insane than before?" Xue Jin Ying reveal an expression that said 'My Wife is insane and very very stupid and there seems to be no cure'

The insane and incredibly stupid wife, "....." 'Fuck, what are you looking at me like that for!?!?!'

"At the very least that lunatic you are referring to can beat you up without using half of her strength. Unlike you. A delicate flower vase" Cordilia jabbed unhappily

"......." 'I really wanna throttle her, what to do!?'

Feng Qian really arrived.

It's just that she did not expect that before she can even execute her plan, she would be whisked to the brothel house to become their musician.


She had two guards always with her and her job is only play music for the other prostitutes to dance. Alot of men wanted to bed her and women envied her however the two guards and strict and she can do nothing but only play music., even if Feng Qian did not want to, she is forced to do so. Their threat? To throw her in a den of men high in aphrodisiac. Of course Feng Qian obeyed but her heart was filled with bitter and corrosive resentment.

Cordilia lived quite long there however, as soon as her son was old enough to take over the throne and her daughter was married off. Xue Jin Ying finally died.

Cordilia had specifically had her children go through the education process of modern era, from preschool to collage. Making them almost cry bitter tears. But it made them very thankful for their mother Empress, knowledge is power and had promised to do the same to their descendants.

Before it was officially declared that Xue JIN Ying died, Cordilia knew the world plot has been destroyed long ago and had the energy absorbed did she found out that the next leads will be born in 300 years time.

Another story for another time.

And then, Cordilia left the world.


Okay, this is a shitty ending so I did not dare gave it to Goddess for her to proofread. I'm not suicidal. Anyways, it has been an honor writing for you guys and I finally understand the pressure Authors has. Goddess will be back tomorrow! So expect updates on the Zombie apocalypse! Sign out!

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