"Hyung, i think you didn't need to worry about y/n." He told taehyung, still looking jungshooketh because y/n just did a body throw on him with one hand to let herself out from his grip just a minute ago.


Y/n shout again before going all fighter mode, kicking and punching with the mad guy while jungkook and taehyung watch from the corner. Imitating y/n movements.

-----10 minute of actions later-----

Y/n rolled down and do a half summersault on the ground tackle the mad guy fall on his bum. After he fall. Y/n go ontop of him and do an arm bar and snake bar. Before turning the mad guy on his stomach and sit on top of his back. gripping his hair to bend him and shook his head to the back and front.

The mad guy screams out of pain because of what y/n did. He tap the floor with his right hand sending signall to y/n that he can't continue this any longer.

"Do you think you're on the place that  can give me choices? Think it over bitch" she said firing the mad guy with his own word back.

Jungkook and taehyung have to step in and stop y/n themselves.

"Y/n, y/n i think that is e-enough" jungkook stutter, afraid of touching y/n.

"Baby baby, it's okay now. I'm okay" taehyung pull y/n from the mad guy body hugging her to calm her nerves. And she did getting calmer in taehyung touch.

Y/n pulled out from the hug and look at taehyung face.

"You're clearly not okay. Your cheeks is bleeding... THIS IS BECAUSE OF YOU!" y/n turned to teach a lesson at the mad guy again but taehyung is fast enough to stop her.

"I-i'm clearly okay"


Your POV

When we step out from the villa. We heard police siren getting near and finally parked their cars around us.

Namjoon, jin, jimin and hoseok also were there.

"Police officer! Please take me away from that lunatic! Please.. please! I beg you" The mad guy begging on his knees for the police officer take him away from me. I just glare at him receiving a scared look from him.

The police were shock to see the bleeding guy with wet hair full of sweat begging on their knees. but soon they chain his wrist with cuff and bring him inside the car.

The mad guy laughing with happiness to be locked up by police.

"Why the both of you could be here?" Namjoon asked as soon as he sees taehyung and jungkook.

"Where is yoongi hyung?" Hoseok asked this time after look surround us.

"Yoongi hyung is with us?" I asked him  back.

"Yes, i was supposed to be with you, but i have some business to do. Yah! Why do guys late?" yoongi voice from the villa side took our attention toward him.

"Yoongi hyung what happen?!" Hoseok and jimin run toward him after seeing his face is full of purple bruised. They stop as yoongi push a body that he hide behind the wall down to the ground.

"Like i said. I have business to do" he said before crouching down next to the guy.

"Min yoongi. I swear I will kill all of your precious people!" The guy said. still laid on the ground, hard to get up because both of his hand is been tied with a rope by yoongi.

Yoongi smirk before pulling that guy's collar near him. Glaring at him with clenching lips.

'Eh? Isn't that the boss?'

"Than why don't you start with my parents then?" He said to the guy.

"Yoongi hyung" namjoon tried to stop yoongi from saying anything that could drove some crazy idea to the guy head.

"Heh! You can't right?. Because my parents is also your parents.. hyung!"

Gasp could be heard from everyone mouth.

'That's why he seems familiar! The boss who tried to kill jimin is actually yoongi's older brother'


3rd POV

"Y/n you look pale, are you okay?" Jin asked y/n as he sees y/n is out of focus.

"Y/n pale? No way. Hyung you didn't see her going all goku mode beating that mad guy like pwahh!! Wacha! Haiyah!"

Jungkook said imitating how y/n had fight the mad guy to the members. receiving a few smacks from y/n.

Jungkook already ready to reply an attack. But before he could do a karate chop. Y/n unconcious.  almost hit the ground if taehyung didn't catch her body  on time.

"Jungkook what did you do?!" Taehyung scream in panic while shooking y/n weak body.

"I don't know!" Jungkook and the other are panic in their place. Rubbing hair and face. don't Know what to do.

"Let's get her to the hospital!!"

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