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3rd POV

"I think you can stop following me" the person said stop in his track himself.

"Tch! right, i never misjudged your sense of hearing. Or is it your six sense?" Yoongi came out from his hiding.

"What do you want Min yoongi" he turn around to faced the calm yoongi.

"I want you to stop all this once and for all"

"Like i will. Hear me, I will not kill you. But i will kill all of your precious person one by one. Start with that jimin of yours,. So you'll know how it feel to be left alone and no one by side you. min yoongi"

"Stop this will ya? No one ever left you alone"

"Shut up!! They left me and go to you! They're all proud of you they forgot me! It's all you! Because of you!"

"I said stop!"

"Make me." He clenched his teeth.

"You're the one ask for this so don't blamed me later" yoongi said. Clenching his fist before marching toward the guy.

But he stop as he sees the guy is pointing his gun toward him.

"I think I change my plan. I'm gonna kill you tonight."

Yoongi frown bring a huge laughter to him.



"AHHHHHHHH!!!! Just what are you eating nowadays y/n? You're so heavy!!" Jungkook protest as he run faster than ever while carrying me on his arms. bridal style.

"Run jungkook run!!!" I said

"I'm runnin!!"

Jungkook and taehyung run through all corners and stairs they could go. Searching for the way out. But the villa's is too big for them.  With screams and giant footsteps everywhere we go because been chased by a mad scary man with a knife.

Jungkook stopped as he heard taehyung yelp. As soon as he turned around, He saw taehyung on the floor with his leg connected with the mad guy hands. Holding him tightly.

The mad guy let go of taehyung's leg and grip his hair instead.

"Taehyung!" Y/n shout. Signalling jungkook to let her down.

"Jungkook! Bring Y/n away!" Taehyung shout, hair still in the mad guy tight grip

"But hyung!"

"Go!." He said, hugging the mad guy legs. Stopping him.

Jungkook insist, but he still grip my wrist tight with in his hand. Stopping me to go to taehyung.

"What a view. But say goodbye to your precious friend because his life is gonna end by me tonight!" The mad guy raise his knife above before trying to stab taehyung.

"Taehyung!!" Y/n shout

In a few second, the knife were flying and land on the corner of the room.  They're all seems surprised to what had happen in a blink.

"What? Never see someone jump so fast? I've been called jumping squirrel not for nothing" cracking neck and limbs.  Ready in position to fight.

"Ahh.. it's been so long since i have a fight. then let's fight" the mad guy said while stretching his arms. Smirking

"Be my guess"

Jungkook crawl to where taehyung is. Tried to pull him away to the corner of the room.

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