
3rd POV

There's a lot of camera, journalist and fans waiting outside the hospital. Waiting to hear about Taehyung condition even in the cold weather. Silently praying for the best.

Bangtan members and other staffs are waiting infront of emergency surgery room. Waiting to know about taehyung condition.

You were crying. You're a mess by that time. You blamed yourself.

"Y/n, let's get you cleaned. You still have blood all over your body" jin said

"This is all my fault, i should be here so wh-"

"I will call you if anything happen. Go change your clothes in the toilet"

Y/n nodded. Jungkook followed her as they worried something would happen to her as the shooter still didn't get caught.


Your POV

I get inside the toilet to change my clothes. But before i could enter inside one of the stalls. Someone grip my wrist and turn me around.



Jungkook POV

"Mr kim surgery is going fine. The bullet didn't shoot any of his vital organ. just a slight graze on the arm. He fainted probably because of the shock and sickness. I suggest you take your medicine on time"

I heard the doctor said to taehyung before he exited the ward. All of them already surrounded taehyung bed. Asking him how he feel.

When our staffs and manager leave us alone. Taehyung look at all of us one by one.

"Where is y/n?" Is the first thing he ask. Ofcourse!

Everyone were looking at me while I'm looking at jimin. I point at the person taehyung were searching for. When she turn around to face me. I just realized she's not y/n.

"Jimin hyung? is that you?"

"Jungkook, where is y/n?" Jimin asked me making me blink myself

"I'll follow jimin hyung because i thought he was y/n. I swear i didn't go anywhere. I just buy some drinks at the vending machine near the toilet before i saw jimin hyung and follow him."

"I'll go find her " hoseok volenteered.

"I'll go with you." Yoongi said. Running,  Following after hoseok from the back.

A few minutes after, they're back.

"Where is she?" Taehyung ask with teary eyes.

"Her phone is off. I can't get a hold of her." namjoon informed us.

"Guys, this is weird. look at this. Some fans just tag us in tweeter saying they saw jimin with a guy inside a car near ©® district." Jin show us his phone.

In the picture, we saw a masked guy. But it is confirmed that guy is y/n just by her pink hair and blue fury sweater.

"Where is she going? Who is that?"

"Something seems fishy." Namjoon asked while jin is scrolling for more.

"You're right. She seems sleeping" yoongi point out.

"She can't be sleeping in a time like this. She so worried about tae hyung justnow" i said.

"Guys, you might want to hear this news" hoseok said before showing us the news on his phone.

"The sniper who shoots Bangtan Seonyeondan member Park Jimin in Gayo Daejun Awards is currently on loose police still searchi-"

"We know about that. We're all there hoseok" jin said shrug it off.

"It's not that, look at the suspect who shoot jimin at the awards carefully"

They silently examining.

"It's the guy with y/n inside the car!!"

"I must find her. I mus-"

"Tae. Don't move. You still weak from the surgery" jin stop me from pulling the shringe out from my skin.

"hyung. How can i sit here while y/n is out there with someone who had tried to kill her before?"

"Jin hyung is right tae. You should have a rest yourself. Don't act rashly. Me and jin hyung will go to the police station to report and getting information. You guys stay here." Namjoon stop me as he getting ready to go

"This is all my fault. If i didn't ask her to act as me. This is not gonna be happening to her. It's gonna be me"

"Jimin stop blaming yourself. It's no one fault"

"Hobi's right, it's no one fault, it's that sniper fault." Yoongi stand up from his sit stretching. Putting his phone inside his pants, still sucking his lollipop.

"Where are you going hyung?" I asked him.

"I thought you want to pull out that shringe from your hand?"

"Hyung! Why did yo- taehyung don't! And.. you just take that shringe off. Yoongi hyung what are you thinking?"

hoseok panickly run to taehyung. Helping jimin wipe taehyung blood that splurts out from the place he just pull the shringe

Yoongi smirks.

"Let's say, i know a friend who knows the person who sells the sniper gun and currently knows the buyers hideout. Call this lucky"

"Your friend, friends sales gun?" Jungkook confusedly asked.

"Yoongi hyung, I follow you"

"No jimin, you and hobi stay. The sniper is targeting you. I don't want any problem later. Beside, you have a child and wife-to-be to take care now"

"Why can't i follow you then?"

"Hoseok. You're... Just too loud. Taehyung and jungkook is enough work for me. Let's go kids"

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