I'm the only daughter they have beside my two older brother. I'm a girl, yet my dad and my brother treat me like boys and even teach me pro-wrestling. That's why, No one treat me like a girl.

What worse is, I'm naturally manly. My features, my masculine body of too many workout results, my voice, my height is taller than average girls. My clothes is not girly at all. The only thing differentiate me for girl is my long hair.

"Huhhh... How i wish to be treated like a girl by someone" i put my chin on the palm of my hand.

"Help!! Someone help me! A thief just stole my handbag"

After hearing the high pitch scream. I stand up to my feet before chasing over the thief. I ran through the busy sidewalk of seoul city. Some of the passanger tried to stop the thief. But they end up being pushed to the ground.

When the thief stuck in a dark alley. I smiled.

'Got you.'

"Stop there you idiot! Give me the bag" i said huffing, bending rested the palm on my knees.

"Oh look here, i thought you were a guy. Turn out to be you're just a girl"

I huff a breath. Standing straight while rolling my eyes.

"So what if I'm a girl? What's your problem?"

"We may have some fun then missy" he said smirking, throwing the bag to the side before marching his way to me.

"Let's find out who's having fun mister" i warm up my body.

"You're all talk" he run to me with a punch. But i dodge it easily and give him a kick on his back

He turn around spitting to the side before pulling some punch and kick, but i dodge it again easily and reply him with a same kind of movements. He end up growling on the ground.

He look weak to continue, so i take the bag and ready to go. When i turn around from the dark alley. There's another two scary looking guys infront of me. This time, their body look bigger than the one i had defeated.

"Hey boy. I know you're just doing your job as a guard. But it looks like you kick our friend hard."

"S-so what?" I tried to be brave. But it's shows in my voice that I'm already shaking.

"Man!. He's actually a she's. Let's have fun shall we?! They smirk.


I open my eyes to be greeted with a familiar white light and thick scent of a hospital.

"Urghh.. where am i?"

I remember, before the two gangster could do anything to me. Someone run to us and  kick their ass alone. i passed out after that.

"You already woke up?" A soothing voice ask me from beside my bed.

"Y-you! W-what are you doing here?"

"Y-you! W-what are you doing here?"

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"You forgot your saviour face?"


"Yes. I'm the one help you to fight those guys and carried you to the hospital"

"Ahh... r-really? Thank you"

'he carried me? Like carried 'carrying' me in his arms? No one have ever did that to me'

"No problem. That's a man job to protect a  girl anyway"

'why is he sparkling everytime i see him?'

"Ahh... I'm a strong girl. Y-you don't need to protect me" i smile giddily. Happy to see him

"Why? Even if you're strong. You're still a girl that need to be protected at any cost y/n-ssi. You're precious."

Badumb! Badumb!

"Ah... This is the first time people had said that to me. They always thought that I'm strong like a guy. So no worry, I don't need to be protected nor precious" i laugh awkwardly.

"What do you mean? You're beautiful, even if you wore a guys clothes. It doesn't changed the fact that you are a girl. i like your style. I think you're cool. You look more of a Girl crush than a boy to me. There's no problem with you"

Badumb! Badumb! badumb! Badumb! Badumb!

"Ahh... ah! How about the bag and the thief? H-have you report it to the police?" I change the topic to get out from our situation

"Police? O-ofcourse. Ah, i need to go. I have called your cousin. She's on her way."

"Thank you again"

"No worries. See you tomorrow at work" he smiled giving me the brightest smile i could ever seen.


"Yeah. Well i guess you agreed to jimin plan right?"

"..... Yeah.. see you... Tomorrow Cha eun woo-ssi"

Fake Love KTH ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang