XXI. Married Man

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He shook his head. "I'm quite certain that's inappropriate." He chuckles slightly, "But, I appreciate your concern Miss Makee." He forced a smile, "And I apologize once more for my behavior earlier."

I sigh, knowing he won't open up to me...not now at least. Grabbing my backpack, I stood up and carried the chair back to its original spot.

"Miss Makee?" Mr.Nocella said.

I turn back towards him, "Yes?"

"Mind keeping what happened today between us?" He scratched his head, "I understand this may sound like an excuse, but I don't feel like I'm myself today. I'm generally not like this."

I smile, "I won't tell a soul. I promise."

"Thank you. I truly appreciate it."

I turn my feet, ready to walk out the door, but my limbs refuse to move "Mr.Nocella?"

His head lifted, "Yes?"

"You deserve more than this."

The edge of his lip twitches slightly. "What do you mean?"

"You're a good man...and a great father." He stays quiet, most likely his mind was analyzing my every word. He's like that, an over-analyzer, but remarkably oblivious of the emotions towards the people he cherishes, "You shouldn't blame yourself for something you can't control."

He sucks in his cheeks before his eyes cast downward. I wait until it reverts towards me. "Thank you for your concern," was the only thing he said to me. Indirectly, he was cutting off the conversation, silently telling me to leave.

I nod my head once in understanding before walking out the door. Knowing he needs some privacy, I close it.

After school ended, I shove my backpack into my lockers. "Ava!" Trevon screamed from down the hallway.

"What?" I screamed in return.

"Have you seen my keys?"

"Did you lose your keys again?"

There was a long pause before he said, "No!" then quickly turn down the hallway.

I sigh, "I should keep the keys from now on. Give him one job, and he can't even do it right," I grumbled before making my way towards the changing room. Changing inside the locker room with everyone else, I began making small talks noticing how some girls were missing. "Where's Sarah?" I asked Winnie.

"Don't know. Don't care," she replied, checking out herself in the mirror. I rolled up my socks as Winnie gave herself a kiss in the mirror. I began looking around for my hair tie.

"What are you looking for?" Winnie asked.

"Hair tie," I replied.

Winnie whips one out, "Here."

I push it back, "I got extra in my locker."

"Oh, yeah. You don't like using other people's hair ties."

I shrugged, not understanding why I feel so uncomfortable using other people's stuff. I merely do, I like to have my own hair. It's quite disgusting using other people's hair ties since there's so much oil on other people's hair. I began walking out of the locker room and down the hall.

"We shouldn't do this, Sarah."

I look up to see Sarah and two other girls from cheerleading, slipping a piece of paper into someone's locker.

"What are you all doing?" I asked.

They turned around, "Ava," they said, almost in a sync tone.

"What are you all doing?" I asked again.

To My Future Cheating HusbandKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat