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"Hi Lauren" She says with a wide grin. Hi would've been a start.

I take the bar stool next to her, placing my car keys on the counter.

"A coke for you Camila" A blonde haired lady says. "Would you like something to drink?" She asks, turning her attention to me.

"I'll have a coke too please" I say smiling.

"I'll be right back" With that she walks off, but is quickly replaced by Cara.

"Hello Lauren" She says with a strong smirk.

"Hello Cara" I say back.

"Camila, did you know that day I kicked that jackass out my bar Lauren did nothing but stay here and talk about you?" Cara said, making my cheeks blush uncontrollably.

"No, I didn't" Camila says with a smirk turning towards me.

"Ok give me some credit, she's pretty and I got her number" I say gesturing towards Camila. This time she was blushing.

"Seems to be working out for you so far" Cara pointed out. The other bar maid then placed my drink in front of me. "Lauren, meet Ashley my girlfriend".

"Hi Ashley" I say with a smile.

"Hi Lauren, a separate tab for those drinks or-" Before Ashley could finish Camila got there first.

"I've got them" She says handing over $10.

"No" I say handing her back the $10. "I've got it" I say giving Cara my $20.

"Hey, I s-" Camila started but I cut her off quickly.

"Not happening" I say with a smile.

"Fine" She says bluntly. Putting her $10 in the tip jar. She then turns back to me giving me a strong smile. I shake my head.

"We'll leave you to it" Cara says, handing me back my change.

"I can pay for them you know?" Camila said.

"I know, but I didn't want you too so" I say taking a sip off my drink. "Come on, let's sit at a table".

We both grab our drinks and move to the corner table. I pull out the chair for Camila to sit on. "Such a gentlewoman" She says grinning sitting straight down.

"What can I say" I say with a wink. To which she gives me a bright smile. God I can't with this woman.

"Love your jacket by the way" Camila says looking at my jacket with wide eyes. "It's Burberry isn't it?" She asks.

"Yea, my roommate, you met her the other night, I think? She let me borrow it".

"Normani right?" Camila asks.


"Damn, that's an expensive jacket to borrow, I think I once borrowed a hair tie off Dinah and she nearly freaked when I said I lost it in the swimming pool" She said laughing at the memory.

"Hair ties are harder to come around than a Burberry jacket" I laugh a little.

"That's actually very true, those things vanish!" Camila says picking up her drink to have a sip.

"You and Dinah seem close" I say stating the obvious.

"Yea, she's been my friend for what seems like forever, we met in school like 10 maybe 11 years ago. I genuinely can't remember my life before she was in it."

"Awh, that's amazing" I say.

"What about Normani?" Camila asks.

"We've been friends for like 5 years, we met at a summer camp when we were 16 and stayed in touch once it had ended. By 18 she had moved down to Miami and was renting a tiny apartment, we moved in together a year later"

"That's so cool! Some days I'd love to live with Dinah others I second guess myself, like I know we'd annoy the fuck out of each other" Camila says grinning.

"Yea, it's just finding the balance" I say.

"Yea I get that" she says with a smile. 

"You look amazing" I say, forgetting I had only complimented her in my head.

"Thank you, Lauren." She emphasises the Lauren, there's no way she ever calls me that in class though.

I grin at her before saying "You're welcome, Camila"

She lets out a little giggle before having some of her coke.

"I don't know what to say..." I admit nervously.

"Me neither" Camila laughs. "It's so much easier over text"

"Isn't it!" I add.

"So, Lauren" Camila starts, making my heart speed up a little. "What did you first think of me?".

"You mean when I first saw you?" I clarify, to which she nods. "Honestly, going to sound like a dick but I thought you looked hot. That was the first thing I thought. Then I saw that dick behind the bar and for a split second I thought you guys where a thing. But I soon realised that I didn't have to worry about that" I chuckle. "Then after everything, well even before everything with the kiss I knew I wanted to know you. I was drawn in so fucking quickly."

"Aw, Lauren" Camila says quickly reaching her hand over the table and grabbing my hand. Instantly I felt a shock go up my arm. I really don't get how she has this power over me.

"What about you Camila?" I ask.

"Well, the first thing I thought about you was how the hell can someone have such amazing eyes. Along with such an amazing face, then personality and clearly lips" She chuckled. "But I too wanted to know more, I was secretly begging in my head that I would go home with your number or you mine" 

"Awww" I say looking at Camila deeply. "Your eyes are amazing too though".

"Thank you, but I honestly don't think I've ever seen eyes like yours at all, it should be illegal to have eyes that green" Camila says, her cheeks having a little more colour in them than before.

"Thanks" I say, looking down by now my face has got to be beet red. I'm not really one for compliments, especially from someone as beautiful as Camila.

IM SO SORRY! LIKE I ALWAYS WANT TO WRITE but my motivation for literally everything and anything at the min as been zero. enjoy xx 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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