Not Today

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"Shit, how could I forget that?" Kyungsoo mumbled as he held the last clean boxer shorts in his hand. All the stress had made him forget that he had left the airport without his suitcases. Now he was glad he'd listened to his mother. She'd taught him to always have extra luggage in his backpack, just in case something went missing. The thought of her broke his heart. He hadn't realized how much he missed her until he noticed his tears.

He hopped in the shower and turned on the water. In his mind, he was working on an imaginary to-do list. First, he'd call his mother to tell her that he was fine. He would have to lie, but he knew he was not worrying her. Not again and not under any circumstances. Then, he urgently had to go shopping and buy a few things to wear. He wouldn't need much since he didn't plan to stay here very long. Boxers, socks, some pairs of jeans and some T-shirts, which were easy to combine. Those were all he needed. Then he had to find out Jongin's interests. Maybe that way he might find an opportunity to come closer to the other boy.

When he came out of the bathroom, it was already after 10 pm. Jongin usually got home early. That might be an advantage to be your own boss. Kyungsoo heard the doorbell and for a millisecond, he thought it was Jongin. Then he thought, "Why would Jongin ring the bell? But who was so important to show up at Jongin's house this late?" His instinct warned of a possible danger. But he knew Jongin's security guards wouldn't let anybody through the gate, and certainly not a crazed killer. "What was the worst that could happen?" he thought, and he finally went downstairs to open the door. To his relief, it wasn't Hannibal Lecter, but a harmless-looking man.

"Hello Beauty," said the stranger when he saw Kyungsoo.

"Hello?" Kyungsoo replied.

"You must be Byun Baekhyun."

"Yes," Kyungsoo lied. "I'm sorry, who are you?" He asked.

"Oh, excuse me. I'm Woo Bin, Jongin's big brother." Kyungsoo was doubting the man since the two had absolutely no similarities, except for their heights. And this man had nothing gangster-like on him. He looked more like a businessman.

"We don't look alike, I know," he said as if he could read Kyungsoo's thoughts. "Can I come in?"

"Of course, excuse me. I was just a little surprised." Kyungsoo apologized and invited his new acquaintance in.

"You're much cuter than I had imagined," Woo Bin said as Kyungsoo brought him a drink.

"Thank you," Kyungsoo said. "I'm sorry, did we meet at the wedding? I actually have a very good memory, but... "

"No don't worry. I wasn't there. "

"Oh ok."

"I was unable to attend the wedding. But I heard that it was a very beautiful ceremony," Woo Bin explained by his own accord.

"Jongin seems to be working late today but he should be home soon."

"That's no problem. I'm here because of you. "

"Because of me?"

"Well, actually I just wanted to introduce myself. Since I missed your wedding, I feel very guilty."

"Oh, please don't." It was difficult to believe that this man was related to Jongin. They had completely different personalities. Woo Bin was charming and polite. He appeared to be a considerate person. Jongin, however, was impulsive and furious. He was a bad listener and he barely spoke as well. Jongin was a loner.

Kyungsoo felt like it had been a while since he could normally chat with another person, other than Jun Myeon. Woo Bin told him some funny and embarrassing stories of Jongin, just like how parents usually did when they met their children's girl- or boyfriend. A few hours ago, Kyungsoo wouldn't think it were possible, but he laughed again.

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