Class Representive

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"Shoto, thank you." I looked at him as we were walking to my house, "For being my friend, I've never had one before." I whispered as we came to the trail leading to the forest.

"The forest?" He asked.

"Oh yes, I own the land my house is farther in." I responded, "You don't have to come all the way." I didn't want him to be confused, my house I built myself.

"Ok... I'll see you tomorrow Asuka." He called walking away, "Bye Shoto." I called back.

'Home sweet, empty home...' my bitter thoughts filled me as I unlocked the door to my house. Don't get me wrong I love my house, just it's large and I'm the only one living in it.
~~~~Time Skip~~~~~


"Ughh." I got out of bed, not remembering how I got there. I took a shower getting ready, slipped on my shirt and blazer. Lastly my skirt...


What is that?

I walked over to my mirror to see what was wrong with my skirt...

"HOLY SHIT I HAVE A TAIL!" Ok not having a mental breakdown. Is this a late mutation? Oh god, I'm not going to wear the skirt. Leggings I don't care, I'll talk to Aizawa or the Principal.

I slipped on my leggings after cutting a hole, grabbed my backpack and headed for school. 'Jesus take the wheel.' I mentally sighed as I walked past the school gates avoiding the press. I looked for the Principles office and finally saw the door.

Knock Knock Knock

"Come In!" I head a voice say, I mentally prepared myself as I opened the door.





Our principal is Mouse-Dog.

"Hello, I'm Asuka." I started, "I had a bit of a bit of a problem with my uniform this morning..." I rambled, I stopped and got my words together. " To put it simply yesterday I had no tail, and now I have a tail." I blurted, looking at Mr. Nezu, his name tag was right there.

"I see, It's nice to meet you Asuka. As for your uniform." He said as he sipped his tea, "I can give you shorts or you could wear pants, I believe one of your classmates also has a tail..." he said, I debated for a little bit. Wears pants and be labeled as a cross-dresser, or wears shorts.

"Shorts please, and thank you for understanding," I said as I bowed, he then went to a drawer and pulled out a pair of shorts, they were high waisted and the same color as the skirts and the same length, there was a modified hole in the waistband for my tail.

"Thank you Principal Nezu, is there a bathroom where I can change?" I asked, not sure where to change.

"Oh, I have a bathroom in here go ahead and change." I did as I was told the tail was a hassle to get in, I didn't know how long or wide it was but it reached the floor and I couldn't wrap my hand around it. The color of it was pure black and covered in scales.

When I came out the bell had rung, and Mr. Nezu was holding up a hall pass.

"Thank you... again," I said as I left and hurried to the classroom. I knocked before I entered.

"Sorry, Mr. Aizawa I had a problem with my uniform," I said as I handed him the pass, I could basically feel Izukus eyes. I moved my tail to show him what had happened.

"Just get to your seat." He already sounded dead inside. "Decent work on yesterday's combat training," he paused "I saw video feeds, Bakugou you have potential so stop acting like a child." Bakugou just grunted in response.

"Midoriya, I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder. And don't give me the excuse that doesn't have control over your quirk. That line's already getting old. You can't keep breaking your body while training here, but your quirk real be really useful if you can get a handle on it." Aizawa allowed, glancing tiredly down at his papers. "So show a little urgency, alright?"

"Y-Yes, sir!" He spoke.

"Now, what we're about to do will decide your future," Aizawa spoke, suddenly a tense atmosphere invaded the class.

"It's time to pick a class representative." He spoke again, the class erupted in 'pick me's' I had to think, I myself would be a good person for the job, Iida would be a good choice, so I voted for him.

But Izuku ended up as class rep and Momo as vice rep. Soon it was lunch time, I stood up and grabbed my backpack.

"H-Hey A-Asuka do you w-want to eat with u-us?" Izuku asked me again, seriously when is he going to stop. I turned to him.

"Midoriya, if I say yes will you stop asking me." My emotionless voice called out, startling the boy. He visibly brightened, a large smile on his face.

"Maybe!" He exclaimed he surprised me for a second. I took the chance, "Hey Shoto, I'm going to sit with them today, ok?" I asked the stoic male with a small smile on my face.

"That's fine, just sit with me tomorrow." He said, my smile grew a little bit, I hummed in agreement and rubbed my cheek on his.

I turned around and walked with Izuku to a table with Ochako and Tenya.

"Xanth! You're sitting with us today." Ochako exclaimed a large smile on her face. I nodded my head and set my backpack down across from Tenya and sat down, Izuku taking the seat next to me.

"I see, you'd did very well during the combat training yesterday." Tenya complemented me. I nodded my face as thanks.

"You know Iida..." Ochako started, "Are you rich the way you speak you sound like it!" She said.

Tenya agreed and started talking about his brother Ingenium, but suddenly the alarms went off.

"Excuse me what's happening?" Tenya asked an upperclassman, who looked frantic.

"Thank alarm means someone got in the school! In all my three years of going here, it's never happened!" He yelled as everyone scrambled to get out. I flew above everyone and looked out the windows, 'it's just the press.' My eyes widened, it looked like Tenya noticed too, so I scooped him out of the air.

"Can you grab everyone's attention and calm everyone down?" I asked he nodded.

"Everyone calm down!" He yelled too loud for my liking, "It's just the media outside! There's absolutely nothing to worry about! Everything's fine! We're UA students! We need to remain calm, and prove we're the best of the best."

Everyone seemed to calm down after that, and everyone went back to class.

"Thank you, Xanth! If not for your help we would have been squished!" He exclaimed doing chipping motions, I patted his arm and looked up at him.

"Don't worry, let's just get to class," I said and he nodded and we went to class.

Izuku wanted to make an announcement before class started again. "I w-would like Iida t-to be class rep i-instead of myself, he-he's much mores-suited for the job." He said to the class, who then erupted into cheers.

Authors Note:
Hi, thank you to those who voted on my story, Im literally so grateful.

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