Story 1: It's a Start

Start from the beginning

"Well, it's a start," said Mabel.

Soon Lazy Susan returned with the girls' orders. Pacifica's plate was overshadowed by Mabel's mountain of breakfast.

"Thank you, Lazy Susan," she said, "Pacifica?"

"Yes?" she said as she looked up from taking a sip of her juice.

"What do you say to Lazy Susan?"


Mabel sarcastically coughed while saying the word thank you.

Pacifica sighed, "Thank you for the food, Lazy Susan."

"Anytime girls," she said, "Enjoy your grub."

Pacifica watched as Mabel began devouring her first mountain of pancakes with a hash brown and bacon strip to go with each bite.

"You want some?" said Mabel with a mouthful.

"Uh, no thanks," said Pacifica, "I don't do...heart stopping food."

"Okay. So, are you gonna offer me your food?"


Mabel took a sip of her coffee, "Well, I offered you some of my, "heart stopping," food. The polite thing to do is offer back some of yours."

"But I thought you said you don't eat fruit for breakfast?" said Pacifica, "Come to think of it...have you ever eaten fruit at all?"

"Ah! Say it politely!"

Pacifica sighed, "Mabel? Do you want some of my fruit salad?"

"No thanks," she replied, "I'm good with my pancakes. And for your information, yes, I have eaten fruit! But quite a while ago if we're being fair."

"Come on," said Pacifica, looking visibly pissed, ""

Mabel nearly spit out her coffee.

"What did you say?"

"I said, can you pl...please eat something healthy for once, please?!"

Mabel squealed.

"Pacifica, you just said please!"


"So? That's like, the politest way to offer something. And well, given that..."

Mabel picked up one of the grapes in Pacifica's fruit salad bowl and ate it.

"...okay, I'll have a bit of your fruit salad."

Pacifica managed to pull a smile.

"You know, I've changed my mind a bit on not trying your food," she said, "That omelette does look good. Can I pl...please, have some?"

Mabel smiled and handed her the omelette.

The two chatted and ate breakfast. Soon they had pretty much eaten it all.

"Boy, I'm stuffed," said Mabel, as she threw the final hash brown into her mouth.

"I kind of feel bad about eating the French toast," said Pacifica, "Wasn't that for Dipper?"

"Don't worry about it. I'll order him some more when he gets here."

"When who gets here?"

The girls turned around to see Dipper walk into the diner.

"Oh, sup bro," said Mabel.

"Hey Dipper," said Pacifica.

"You both look like you had breakfast without me," he said, "Mabel, what did I tell you about ordering that much bacon?"

"Hey, mom and dad aren't watching what we eat for another month so I'm gonna savor every bacon strip I can. And, I got it for all of us, but you didn't come so I gave some to Pacifica."

"Wait...Pacifica ate bacon for once?" said Dipper as he looked to her.

"You don't know me!" yelled Pacifica, "And in my defense, it looked good and you were taking forever. Besides, I got Mabel to eat some of my fruit salad."

Now Dipper was truly shocked, "You got Mabel to eat something healthy? Not even our parents can do that?"

Mabel rolled her eyes, "She said please. I don't say no to people who say please."

"Wow," said Dipper, "You eating healthy, Pacifica saying please? What else did I miss?"

"Well, it's more fun having a variety for breakfast when you sha...sha..."

"Come on Pacifica, say it," whispered Mabel.


Mabel got up and hugged Pacifica.

"OMG! You finally said it! I'm so proud of you Pacifica!"

"Great. Now can you please put me down?"

"Oh, sorry, sugar rush."

Before they could say more, Lazy Susan arrived with the bill and handed it to Mabel.

"Oh hey, here's the bill," she said, "Here you go Dipper. Now if you excuse me-"

"Hold on!" yelled Pacifica, "You said we were gonna split the bill!"

"I did," said Mabel, "You, me and Dipper. But Dipper owes me after I bought him Ice cream sandwiches so he's paying my half."

Dipper looked at the bill and then gave it to Pacifica, "I didn't suspect you'd order this much!" he yelled, "And you both didn't save anything for me!"

"Oh, did we?" said Mabel, as she pointed to the croissant and final plate for French toast.

"Oh. How did I miss that?"

"Beats me," said Mabel, "Now, I gotta get home and crash onto the couch before this coffee induced sugar rush wears off. See ya later, love birds."

Mabel walked out of the diner, leaving Dipper and Pacifica to pay the bill. Both of whom were blushing now out of embarrassment.

"So, did Mabel behave around you?" asked Dipper.

"For the most part," said Pacifica, "She did try to eat a whole pancake in one bite at one point though."

Dipper laughed, "Yeah, her eating skills put mine to shame. She was the Piedmont elementary school pie eating contest winner, three years in a row."

"Wow. So, is it common for Mabel not to pay?"

"Not really," said Dipper, "She paid most for our lunch last time given I left my wallet at home. Guess I owed her. Normally though we split the cost between us."

"Wow, you both are shar...sharing experts."

"Not really," said Dipper. "Did I ever tell you about our argument over our room in the Mystery Shack?"

And so, Dipper and Pacifica sat and talked for a while longer as Dipper had his share of the breakfast. The two then paid their shares of the meal. Mabel meanwhile was celebrating a double victory. She had gotten Pacifica to share, and got her and Dipper to talk. The first step in her grand plan. But that's a story for another time.

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