18. Apologize

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Me and Yerim are walking back to the class. When we're arrived, I saw all of my classmates stands in front of the door.
"Hey, we want to say sorry for all the bad things we have done and said to you. We know now that we're been too much harsh on you and making you had a hard time in your life. After what you said earlier, we felt like we are really bad to you.. So, we are sincerely want to apologize to you." The class monitor, Lee Daehwi said then he hold out his hand for a shake.

"How about um..we all be friend with you from now on?" He asked me. I can see his hand is trembling, maybe he nervous and scared.
"If you don't want to forgive us, then it's okay.." He said then I held out my hand too and shook his hand.
"Fine, I forgive you all." I said while looking away then he pull back his hand and smile a little.
"From now on, we will not do anything bad to you anymore, right guys?" He said then they all nodded their head.
"Thanks... I guess..?" I replied.
"See, it isn't that hard to become friends with each other." Yerim said with a smile plastered on her face.
"So, did two of you are dating?" Jeongin suddenly asked making Yerim to blushed and look away.
"Um.. No?" Yerim said.
"Stop lying alreadyy~" Yuri said.
"Gosh, fine. We are dating.." I said then the whole class start to awed at us.
"How can you successed to get him be your boyfriend?? Must be tough to open up his heart. " Chaeryeong asked.
"It's a looooonnggg story." Yerim said then she starts to tell them all about how we start to fall in love with each other.


"That's how the story goes~" She end the story.
"Aww, you're really brave to spoke to him in the first place." Ryujin said.
"Also Y/n, I didn't know she can win your heart just like that." Chenle said.
"Well...she was doing so much effort to make me happy, also she really understand my situation and my feelings well.." I look at her and she gives me her shy smile.
"Thank you for always being there for me Yerim." I said and hug her, the others just watch and cheers for us. I swear they making me feel shy.
"You're welcome~" She said and smile.

"Hey, why don't we threw a party to celebrate our friendships with Y/n?" Jeongin suddenly spoke.
"Oh, that's a good idea, we can use my house's backyard." Chenle said.
"Are your parents okay with it?" Beomgyu asked.
"Tsk, they will understand, also they really allowed me to bring my friends to our house." He continued.
"Okay. We will held a party at your house then." Yuri replied.
"Looks like we should spend some money, but I don't have that much money.." I said.
"It's okay, you can use my money though, but I need some help decorating the place.." Chenle said.
"How about the girls go buy the ingredients for food and the boys decorate the place?" Daehwi said.
"Daehwi, you're a genius! Now I know why you're the class monitor." Yerim said.
"Hehe, it's nothing~" Daehwi said shyly while scrathing his back of head.
"Okay, you all came to my house after school and we start doing as planned, got that? " We nodded our head.
"Good, I will ask my parents later." Chenle said then the teacher come into our class.
"Hello cla- wait, am i seeing this right? You all are talking to Y/n!?" Mr. Lee said, shocked after saw us.
"Yes, we've became friends with him now. We clear all the misunderstood these past years and now we're in good terms." Daehwi said.
"Well, that good of you all. Now let's start today lesson." Mr. Lee said and I smile a little and he starts teaching.

He was nervous to ask me a question at first, however I answer his question correctly just like the other students making him to relief that I didn't ignore him this time.
Then, the lessons goes well and I feel happy that I finally become normal person just like the others now.

People can changes. Sometimes can be good, sometimes the opposite of it.
And I'm happy I'm changed to a good one


[Completed] My Only Sunshine (LOONA Choerry x Male reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora