5. Moving in

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I'm back from my hiatus (hoorayy), and here is chapter 5,enjoy~ :-)

-Crimson Sky

Your POV

I was riding my skateboard slowly to home while thinking about how it will turn out to live with her.
I mean, I haven't live with people for so long and more badly, it's a girl.

After I arrive at my house, I go in my house, then go to showering right away.
As soon as I done showering, I put on my clothes and slowly sit down on the couch at the living room, waiting for her to come.

*Knock knock*

The door's been knocked. She had arrived.
I slowly make my way to the door, opening it and saw her bright smile along with her bags.
"How long will you stay here by the way?" I asked her after saw her with a lot of bags.
"Um.. I don't know." She smile sheepishly while scratching her head.
"Come in..." I said and take the bags from her hands and we going inside.

"Here is your room." I said then I put down her bags and she looks around the room.
"Wow, there's a lot of dust in here." She said.
"Well, I'm living alone so what did you expect.."
"Don't worry, I can handle this. Now tell me where's the broom is." She said while rolling up her hoodie's sleeves.

Time skips

She cleans really well, the room looks so clean now then before.
"Done!" She smiles and panting while sitting down on the bed.
"Here." I gave her a glass of water and she take it.
"Thanks." She drinks the water and look back at me.
"See, it's not really a big deal. Now excuse me, I need to take a shower. May you please go out from 'my' room?" She said to me.
"...okay.." I stepped out from 'her' room and go sit on the couch then turn on the TV.


"What did you want for dinner?" She asked me before open the front door.
"I don't know, and where are you going?" I asked her.
"Buy some ingredients to cook since this house owner only have cereal and milk in his kitchen's cabinet." She sarcastically said while rolling her eyes.
"Just buy whatever you can cook." I handed her some of my money but she don't want it.
"It's okay, I have my money with me."
"Just take it." I insist to give to her.
She give up and take it from my hand.
"I'll be back in minutes." She said, opened the door and go buy the ingredients.
"Ugh, I feel so boring, why did my leg has to injured. I want to go to work." I groaned while watching the TV.

After a few minutes, she finally come back.
"I'm back~" She sings.
"Now wait for a few minutes, I'll make the food quick." She hurriedly go to the kitchen and cooking.
I slowly stands up and go watch her cooking. She really focus and put a lot of work to make the food.

She really care about me, huh..

"Now let's eat~" She said and eat the food first. Then I took a spoon of the food and eat it.
"Wow, it's so good!" My eyes widened while looking at her. She just grins sheepishly.
"Good that you like it, now eat more." She said, I nod my head and eat the food deliciously.
"You eat like a kid." She laughed and I stop eating.
"No, I'm not.." Then I eat the food slower.
"Yeah, whatever." She replied then feed the food into her mouth.

Time skip

I volunteered to wash the dishes and let her to rest in front of the TV.
After I done washing the dishes, I slowly walk to her and sit down next to her.
"What did you watch?" I asked her.
"Drama." She shortly replied, not taking her eyes off from the screen.
Since the teachers don't gave us any homework today, I decided to just joining her watching the drama. To my surprise, it's a drama marathon...

Time skips~~ (cuz why not :))

The drama was good. It's not too cringe or dangerous. It's just about a love story of a high school boy and girl.


That is Yerim, she is crying because the lead actor died in an accident.
Seeing her crying, I feel like I want to comfort her and hugs her tightly, but I can't, that was so not like me.
The marathon finally ended and it's eleven already.
"I think we should go to sleep now." I said and standing up. She standing up too but she's still crying.
"You're such a baby." I got a tissue and wipe her tears that are at her cheeks.
"Don't cry, you don't look pretty when you're crying. I like it more when you smile." I said and she starts to smiling.
"Thanks.. Good night." She said and go into her room.
"Good night too." I said loudly then switch off the TV.

After that, I make my way to my room and lay on the bed then drifted right away to sleep.

Please keep on smiling so I can smile too.


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