17. Rage

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What's up readers, I'm sorry for being hiatus for a long time. I'm kinda busy with my life lately. I don't have enough time to do everything. So here am I, publishing this chapter today, hope you enjoy and once again, I'm me sorry.



Me and Yerim are walking to school now while holding each other hands.
"Oh, dad asked us if we can come to my house today, he said he want to give you something." She said.
"So, do you want to go?" She asked.
"Of course we'll go." I said then we arrived at school.

Then Guanlin come to them and smile sweetly at Yerim.

Ugh, why did I has to see his face now...

"Hey babe." He said.
"Get lost Guanlin.." She replied to him with an annoying face and roll her eyes.
"Is that how you treated your boyfriend?" He asked.
"Oh, as far as I know, I treated my boyfriend very well." She said then wrapped her arms around mine.
"Wtf.. You! What did you do to my girl!?" He shouted.
"I don't know, why don't you ask yourself what did you do to her in the past making she wants to break up with you." I said coldly.
"Curse you.." He said then walked away.
"A great way to start a day.." I said annoyingly.
"Come on, let's just go to the class." She pulled me to the class and all eyes are on us.

Why did I feel like something big gonna happen today?

We sit at our seat then talk about how she was when she was a kid. Without even knowing, I slightly smile when she is talking, she is so cute.
"You've been in TV when you're a kid!?" I whisper-shout because of shocked. She giggled and nodded her head.
"That's cool." I said then the bell rang.
I look to the front and got a glare from Guanlin.
I smirk at him then put my arms around Yerim's shoulder.
He instantly come to me, grabbed my uniform's collar and punched me hard in the face.

"Don't you dare to touch my girl!" He shouted, making the whole class to look at us.
"Oh yeah? Your girl? She didn't even want you anymore because you cheated on her for another girl!" I punch him back making he to released his grip on my uniform and stubbled a little.
"That was just a misunderstanding! I had nothing with that girl now. All I want now is Yerim!" He said.
"You don't get it don't you, she doesn't want you anymore. You'd broke her heart!" I shouted.
"Stop you two!" Yerim shouted making us to look at her.
"Guanlin, I don't want you anymore. You had lost my trust in you and you broke my heart already. So don't ever think that I will be with you again." She said to Guanlin then turned to me.

"Y/n, are you okay?" She cupped my face and look at where I'd been punched.
"Yes I'm okay.." I replied.
"Listen here you trash." He said making we to look at him.
"I will not just let this go, she will be mine back!"
"Oh great, now that you know my name already, nice research." I said then he about to punch me once again but Yerim stand in front of me.
"Why are you protecting him?!!" He shouted.
"It's because I love him. He's my boyfriend." She said.

Oh good, now the whole class will know...

"You..... ****!" He rushed out from the classroom and all the attention are all on us.
"What just happened?" Minju asked.
"It's nothing of your business." I replied coldly.
"Why are you being so rude? I just asked what happened between you and that Guanlin." Minju raised her voice a little.
"Me, rude?" I chuckled a little then go stand in front of her.
"Why don't you ask yourself for why I'm being like this. I have been called a trash, been bullied for the whole past years, been told the whole school that I killed a student even when I'm not... Tell me who start it all first!" I shouted making the whole class to be in silent.
"My parents abandoned me when I was a kid already making me feel depressed and frustrated, I don't get enough love when I was a child but you all just making it more worse and turned me into who I am now. I even want to end my pitiful life but I didn't...because something inside me telling me someday I will be happy, and it's the day when I met Yerim. She turns my sorrow face into a smile because she is the only one who care about me. How about you guys!? Telling some bad rumors about me!?"

"Then tell me, is insulting me when I'm in a bad condition a good thing!? I'm sick of you all already." I pushed Minju aside lightly then go out from the class.


The whole class started to think of what Y/n had just said, making they realized that they're the cause he be like that.
"Well, he's telling us the truth though... We're the bad one here." Jeongin said while scratching his ear.
"Yeah, he is in a bad condition since he's still a kid and we worsen him up. Then we blamed him for something he's not done." Ryujin said.
"We should feel ashamed on ourselves." Chenle spoke up.
"I think you all should apologize to him." Yerim step ahead.
"He has going through many bad things in his life. He was rude to me too in the first place, but in the end I managed to opened up his heart."
"But how should we apologize to him? He will not accept our forgiveness." Yuri said.
"Just be friends with him and you will know how fun you can be when you're with him." She said then smile to them.
"I'll search for him. In the meantime, you should think of how to apologize to him. " She said then run out from the classroom and search for Y/n.


I was at the rooftop, my favourite place at school. It's help me to calm down in such situation because I can watch the sky and the cloud to calming myself.
"There you are." I heard her voice.
"Sorry for making you searching for me.." I said, still looking at the sky. Then I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my chest.
"You don't deserve that treated." She said making me slowly smile.
"Thanks." I said then turned around to see her face.
"I'm really happy that there's someone understand how I feel right now.." I said then she smile at me.
I slowly lean in and kissed her lips. It don't even take a second for her to kiss me back, and her lips really making me more calm now. We kissed passionately then the school bell rang.

We stopped and pulled apart from each other.
"Did you still want to go to the class or be here until the last bell?" She asked.
"I'll go into the class..since you can't skip class because it might affects your records and grades." I said.
"Also to protect you from that Guanlin." I added then we stands up while holding hands.
"Let's go~" She said then she hold my hand and we go to our class back.

Thank you for always be here with me when I'm down and sad.
Thank you for being the one to understand me.
I really appreciated it.


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