35. Through the tears and laughter..

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  " Hi Laura" Jason smiled as he entered the living room. His older sister smiled, kissing his cheek and he leaned down, kissing Heather's head. " Hey lil bro" she laughed.

  " Where's Justin?"

   " In the nursery." She sighed. " He looked upset, I saw finger prints on his cheek, did you hit him?"

  " What? You hit him at the hospital"

  " Because he putted your life in danger and I was pissed off at him but that doesn't mean I felt sorry for him after few hours. " She scoffed. " That doesn't mean you can hit him whenever you feel like it because I know he's not the boy I first thought. He was ready to sacrifice his life for the babies and he gained your love when you were a rock that couldn't be moved and he gained my trust by doing so. Now I know he genuinely loves you. He doesn't deserve to be treated like shit. He's an angel because he gave me my little brother that I lost for years after Ariana-" she paused before sighing, as Jason looked down, his eyes brimming with tears because he hurt Justin, again. But he couldn't help himself, when he saw his baby almost falling off the bed. It wasn't Justin's fault because Jason knew that Justin couldn't sleep all night and it was understandable that he fell asleep but Jason was angry to see it reasonably.  " You should go and talk to him" she sighed, rocking Heather gently.

  " I know. " Jason sighed. " But he wasn't sad when I left this morning. I talked to him and apologized. He said that it was okay and he deserved it but I assured him...I thought I did"

  " Guess your assuring isn't enough. "

  " Yeah, I'll go talk to him" Jason pecked his baby girl's lips adoringly and walked upstairs.

   He opened the door quietly in case that his son is asleep. He peeked his head in but Justin wasn't there. His eyes furrowed as he closed the door because Heaven was, indeed, asleep and he walked towards the master bedroom.

  There's no one there as well and Jason sighed, trying to walk out of the room when he heard sniffles from the bathroom. He walked in, only to find Justin sitting in the empty bathtub and crying into his hands.

  " Baby?" Jason spoke gently, making Justin gasp and wipe his face quickly. " I know you were crying, no need to hide that from me baby.. but why are you crying?" Jason sat outside of the tub, pulling Justin's head into his chest. Justin tried to pull away but when Jason didn't let him, he sobbed as he fisted Jason's white dress shirt and buried his face in Jason's chest.

  Jason let him cry and when he's calm enough, he wiped his face. " Why baby? Why are you crying?"

  " N.nothing" Justin spoke in a horse voice.

  " Just tell me baby. We're supposed to be each other's shoulders to cry. "

  " I'm not a good parent" Justin sobbed.

  " Baby. We talked about this. You fell asleep because you were tired and that's why I asked Laura to help you with the babies. You're not physically ready to look after them and it was wrong that I blamed you. Because I know it's not your fault. If anyone is a great parent, it's you baby because you were ready to give up your life for them and I'm so proud of you. You're the reason for us to be as a family today and I can't thank you enough. How could you say that you're not a good parent?! Why would you even think that?"

    " B.because I'm not good enough for them, you have to get your sister to look after our children "

  " Noo, baby. Like I said, you're not physically strong enough. I'm doing this for our babies' safety and your health. "

   " But Laura hates me and she forbid me from being with my babies!" Justin sobs out the real reason because he couldn't take it anymore.

  " What?"

   " She told me that I shouldn't be with the babies! She pushed me out of the nursery when I was playing with the babies"

   " I'll talk to her"

  " No! She's going to hate me for telling you. It just hurts" Justin clutched his chest because it hurt his chest. " All I need to do is being with my babies. I don't want you to get mad at Laura"

   " I'm not mad at her, okay baby? I'm just going to ask her why would she tell you that you can't be with the babies when they're technically yours"

  " Please don't Jas-" but ignoring Justin, Jason called his older sister in. She walked into the bathroom after few seconds and furrowed her eyes. " What's wrong?" She asked, giving Heather to Jason. He kissed the baby's head and placed her in Justin's arms. Justin was very eager to hold his baby in his hands and his tear stained face lit up.

  " Did you tell Justin that he shouldn't be with the babies?"

  Justin's face fell again, because Jason was making her hate Justin even more and that's the last thing he wanted. " Yes?" She asked, not seeing the issue.

   " Why?"

" Because he looked like he could pass out any minute and I thought he needed to sleep?" She said, as if it was obvious.

   Jason snorted, looking at Justin to see him looking at his feet, his face heated up with embarrassment.  Laura looked from Jason to Justin in confusion until it hit her.

  " Justin?" She called out. Justin was quick to look up with a fearful expression on his face. " Did you think I was trying to take your babies away from you?" She asked, faking to be angry and Justin shook his head so fast that it almost fell off of his shoulders. " I know I was a bitch to you but did you think I was that bitchy?" She smirked when Justin shook his head in the same speed. " Idiot! I was only trying to give you a break but if you want to stay awake and look after your stinky babies instead of jumping on that comfy bed you share with your husband and just passing out, it's your loss" she scolded and sent Justin a playful glare before walking out of the bathroom.

   " They're not stinky!!" Jason yelled after them. Justin just watched in confusion because although Laura scolded him, she was obviously being playful. " Just take off her diaper and you'll realize!" Laura yelled back. Jason chuckled and picked Justin up off the tub as Justin held his baby. Jason placed him on the bed before closing the baby girl's eyes with his palm, attacking Justin's lips with kisses. After he was satisfied with the need to taste Justin's lips, Jason pulled back, both panting. " She didn't yell at me... Well she did but.."

   " She doesn't hate you anymore, silly. " Jason smiled, as Justin blushed as realization hit him.

  " I'm so glad that your family finally accepted me" Justin said, smiling.

  " Me too, baby. " Jason pecked his lips again. " Now why haven't you got ready, we're still going out tonight" Jason smirked and Justin's eyes widened. " Oh shit! I forgot all about it! I don't even have anything good to wear! -"

  " Calm down, prince. I've got it all ready. Look in the closet" Jason smiled and Justin kissed Jason's face with a huge smile on his face as he rushed into the closet.

  Soon Justin's Cheers and thank yous filled the room and Jason couldn't be happier. At the end of the day, Justin was his and he didn't want anything else because nothing is better than having a beautiful boy like Justin in your arms to spend the rest of your life with you...


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