16. Friends

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( Picture above☝a great piece of creation AKA Justin's ass 🍑😍😂)

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Justin was asleep when he heard the doorbell. Thankfully Jackie, their maid hadn't left yet so she opened the door for Malik and his friends.

Justin was groaning and trying to sit up because he was really lazy to get out of the comfort of the bed he shared with Jason last night.

Jason made sure Justin didn't have a room for his own and shared the bed with him.

Justin's room that used to be a guest room before they got married was meant to be made the room for the baby once they find out the gender of the baby.

Jackie came up and knocked Justin's door. " Mr McCann there's some people who wants to meet you at the door. Should I let them in or-"

" Call me Justin and what are they?"

" One man said that he was called Mr Malik, sir"

" Alright, tell them to come in. I'll be downstairs in a few" Justin jumped out of bed.

" No sir.-"

" It's Justin!" Justin interrupted.

" Justin, Mr McCann asked me to keep an eye on you and make sure that you don't get out of bed because you didn't sleep all night. " because he kept running into the bathroom to throw up.

Justin rolled his eyes. " I'm not paralyzed. I'm just pregnant"

" But sir I'm supposed to inform him if you get out of bed. "

" And you wouldn't, would you?" Justin almost pleaded.

" Sorry sir- Justin. He will fire me if I go against his order. "

Justin sighed. Annoyance getting the best of him. " Fine. Send them into my room then." Justin gave up because McCann was still the monster to other people. He had just changed the way he treated Justin. And everyone feared the monster.

" Okay sir- Justin" Justin rolled his eyes and smiled at the 26 year old's behavior. She was a funny and cute girl and he had heard her talking to her friends on the phone and sometimes she talked about the crush she had on Jason and Justin. She literally said that she wanted a threesom with the two men because they were too hot to handle. And she wanted Jason to be her daddy and Justin to be her baby boy.

Justin never let her know that he heard her because she'd be really embarrassed, but he laughed every time he remembered that conversation.

Zayn entered the room with three or four other men. Justin was familiar with the British men because they were Malik's former band. Justin didn't know why they were still with Zayn because he heard of rumors that they split because they had personal problems with each other.

" Justin, are you alright?" Zayn sat on bed, and kissed Justin's forehead.

Justin smiled. " Yeah, why?"

" Your maid - she's hot - said that you weren't supposed to get out of bed. " The guy with black hair and green eyes spoke, and the other one who had brown hair glared at the black haired man.

Justin giggled. " Yeah. Jason's rules. I kept throwing up last night and couldn't sleep. He's just worried. " He rolled his eyes playfully.

" Oh my god, he's so cute" one suddenly screamed, startling Justin. The blonde jumped on bed and squeezed Justin's cheeks. " Zayn, you said he was cute. You didn't tell us he was this cute!" He whined like a child. Justin blushed, smiling shyly.

" Aww he's getting shy guys! I can't take this anymore!" The blonde sniffled and actually started crying. Justin watched wide eyed as Zayn dragged him out of bed. " Niall. That's enough before you make him throw up again" one other who had golden hair spoke. Rolling his eyes. " He's pregnant, leave him alone"

" I'm so leaving you for him, Liam. " Niall glared at the golden haired man.

And he got down on his one knee. " Justin, baby, will you marry me? Please tell me you will.. please please please?!" Niall whined.

" I'm married to this hot man who's called Jason McCann so I don't think so" Justin giggled.

" Buurrnned!" Green eyes yelled and kissed the brown haired man. " You eat too much so no one's gonna marry your fat ass" he added.

" Liam!" Niall whined. " That green eyed monster is body shaming me" he pouted and wrapped his arms around Liam guy.

" Justin, you're so cute but your heart is not" Niall pouted.

" If I weren't married, I would've said yes" Justin frowned. Niall jumped on bed again and hugged the 25 year old. " Aww don't be sad baby. I was just messing with you. " And gave a big fat kiss to Justin's cheek.

And his day was made by the five idiots who called themselves men and celebrities but they were some teddy bears inside out.


Hope you like it! ( Not the picture, the chapter because I know you love the picture💖🍑😂 )

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