13. Embryo

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Jason had the doctor pinned against the wall, as Justin kept quiet, looking down at his feet.

" Do you have a fucking idea how much I suffered for last few days?! And now is when you decided to tell me this?" McCann snapped at the doctor.

" Mr McCann, this is new to me, please try to understand. I've never seen something like that happen before nor have I heard about something like this. Mr Bieber McCann is not a transgender so this is the first time an actual male got pregnant. The first time we took an x-ray vision it showed something like a ball in his stomach so I thought it was a cancer. But I always doubted that because he's too young to have a prostate cancer. Please, I can't breathe-" the young and fragile doctor gasped for air as McCann choked him.

" Jason, stop before you kill him" Justin snapped, and Jason dropped the doctor.

He scoffed. " I wouldn't let you go out of here alive if you took any more time to realize this" McCann spat at the doctor.

" I'm sorry Mr McCann" the 27 year old doctor frowned.

" Then?"

" Then I checked the x-ray chart again and realized that it was not a cancer, that it was an actual embryo growing in Mr Bieber McCann's stomach. "

Justin placed his hand on his bumb that's ever so slightly visible.

" So I asked you to bring him back to check further and it turns out that Mr McCann actually has a baby growing in his stomach"

Jason sighed, wrapping an arm around Justin's waist. " Is it safe to keep it or do we have to get rid of it?"

Justin's head snapped Jason's way and he glared at Jason's head, because he wasn't looking at him.

" Well, this is a male pregnancy. Not a transgender pregnancy. Men don't have a womb to keep a baby safe so it's impossible for a baby to be born by a man. It will die but if it grows bigger in his stomach and dies, It's going to be a risk to Mr McCann's life. So I suggest you abort it before it grows. "

" When can he get the abortion. Do you know how to get it done?"

" Jason!" Justin snapped. " I'm not getting my baby aborted"

" What the fuck are you talking about, Justin? You do realize the seriousness of this, don't you?" Jason rolled his eyes and turned back to the doctor. Waiting for an answer.

" Well-" the doctor started but Justin jumped in.

" I'm not getting rid of my baby. He's here for a reason. God sent him here for a reason-"

" God doesn't send you gifts Justin, you're a sinner, remember? Being gay is a sin and this can be a punishment. " Jason snapped. He never believed in God.

" God doesn't hate the people that he created. And he wouldn't make me gay if he doesn't want me to be gay. God doesn't punish people. He's all about love and this baby is his gift for me to being who I truly am. " Justin crossed his arms stubbornly and turned to the doctor. " And you, how can you be so sure about my baby dying in my stomach if this is the first time an actual male got pregnant?! My. Baby. Is. Not. Dying. In . My . Fucking. Stomach. Because I believe in him or her to be strong like his or her parents and win this challenge. Even if they lose, they won't hate me for being a coward and killing them without even giving them a chance. If being gay is a sin, I'm not going to do worse sins by killing an innocent unborn child. So I suggest you guys will fuck off!"

And Justin left, leaving the two men speechless in the hospital room.


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