26. Bathtub sex

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  " If you want to have sex, tell me Jase. " Justin spoke as Jason walked out of the bathroom. Justin surely heard Jason masturbating and moaning Justin's name.

  " I don't" Jason denied, grabbing a pair of dress pants and pulling them on. " I have work"

  " I talked to the doctor. He said it won't be bad for children if we do it carefully. "

  " I don't care about the kids. I care about you"

  " They're our kids, Jason" Justin sighed,he was hurt because Jason always expressed the hate he has on the kids.

  " Because they are here to take you away from me"

  " It's because of them, you realized that you should show me the true feelings you have for me."

  " They scared the shit out of me.. and they're still scaring the shit out of me"

  " That's not their fault, you know that"

  " They didn't have to come in between us. I will put them on adoption if they survive and kill you in the process"

  " Do you wanna have sex or not?!" Justin snapped, soon regretting it seeing the look on Jason's face. " I m-"

  " Take your clothes off. " Jason said.. more like demanded as he took his clothes off again. " And get in the shower"

" I can't walk" Justin said softly. And Jason sighed, slowly getting Justin  out of bed and walked into the bathroom, taking pieces of clothing off of his soft skin and dropping them on the floor. " Bathtub sex then" he said, placing a naked Justin carefully in the tub once it's filled and he mixed the bubble liquid with the slightly warm water.

   " Jason" Justin mumbled softly as Jason got in the shower, placing Justin in between his legs and leaning against the bathtub. Jason hummed in response. " Can you please be gentle? "

   " Of course. When was I not gentle with you-" Jason cleared his throat, he realized that he was never gentle with Justin and frowned. " I'm sorry"

   " It's okay. I enjoyed every bit of the things that happened when we had sex. But I wished you weren't too rough even though it felt good. I wanted you to treat me like a flower because noone of my past lovers have treated me like that. Everyone just stomped on me like animals and they just used me. My parents and Zayn are the only people that cared until daddy got mad at me but that was understandable. I'm not blaming you because the thing with you is just like the thing that happened with my daddy. he couldn't accept the truth and you couldn't accept the truth. You both were never bad people but what fate had to give you was unacceptable. Life made your hearts cold but ice don't stay frozen forever. When the spring comes, ice has to leave."

  " You're my spring, baby" Jason smiled small, kissing Justin's lips gently. " But Zayn? I can do better than that bastard" Jason smirked as if he's joking but he had a seriousness laced with his voice.

  " Jealous much? Baby, he's just a friend, my best friend but never compared to you"

  " I know. Why don't we leave the talking for later and start making love?

   Justin smiled and nodded. " Good idea" he mumbled as Jason caught his soft pink lips in between Jason's rougher, yet soft ones.


15 votes+15 comments = smut chapter ( no? A normal chapter😝)

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