19. mommy, I'm pregnant.

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" Justin, don't stress baby. She only has a broken leg" Jason grabbed Justin's sweaty hand as they walked into the hospital. " I'm gonna kill that Zayn bastard. He didn't have to scare you like that. Knowing you're pregnant" Jason scoffed.

Justin's face was pale and his heartbeat was uneven. " That's not it, Jase" Justin sighed, trying to ease up the stinging sensation in his heart but it never left.

" Then what?" Jason narrowed his eyes.

" My dad. He's gonna be there"

" And ?"

" And he hates me. He's gonna kill me when he gets a hold on me. "

" Don't be silly. He won't kill you. "

" I ran away from home because I was gay. He hates me for running away and he hates me for being gay. " Jason looked into Justin's eyes and they were watery. He brushed his hair back and kissed his lips softly.

" Baby, I'm here. I won't let your dad lay a hand on you. It's a promise, okay?"

Justin nodded and kissed back when Jason kissed his lips again.

" I love you"

" I love you too"

" Mommy" Justin started sobbing as soon as he saw his mom, laying on a hospital bed. Not only because she was in a hospital, but because he hadn't seen her for over three years.

She smiled when she saw Justin, and opened her arms so Justin can run into them. " Oh my god, baby. I'd break my leg every day if I get to see you every day. " She half joked, but Justin frowned.

He cried out. " I'm sorry mommy, I'm such an excuse to a son. I wanted to visit you but I was scared of dad. "

" It's okay baby. I missed you but I understand. "

" Thanks mommy" Justin fell onto his mom and cuddled up to her chest. She wiped his face. " You've always been a cry baby. Nothing has changed as much as I thought " she sighed in content. " You're still the same height but I think you've gained a pound or two"

Justin blushed at that and Jason smirked. " Actually mommy, I'm pregnant"

Patricia looked at him as if he'd grown two heads and he smiled, lifting his shirt and showing her the small bump. " With twins" he squealed.

Pattie's eyes filled with tears of joy and her face filled with emotions. She hugged him tight and Justin giggled. " Oh my god. I'm gonna be a grandma" she whispered. " I'M SO FUCKING GONNA BE A GRANDMA!!!" she screamed that the whole hospital could hear. Jason winced and Justin giggled.

" And this is my husband. Jason McCann " Justin stood up and hugged Jason's side. Pattie glared. " Oh I've heard about you. I hope you're treating my son well. "

Justin blushed and whined and Jason nodded. " Yes ma'am. He's my life"

Pattie smiled. " Then come on in for a hug" she opened her arms for Jason. Jason hugged her hesitantly and gasped when she hugged him so tight that a bone or two crushed in his back. " Call me mom... Or even mommy like this big pregnant baby does"

Justin blushed and sat on the bed.

" Alright, mom" Jason smiled. She was a great and funny lady and he felt welcomed when she talked to him. It was a great accomplishment for Jason because getting his/her partner's parents' approval was a goal of every man or woman. He just wondered what Mr Bieber would think of him.

" Oh. Look who's finally decided to visit his parents. " Speak of the devil , and it shall appear. Justin's eyes widened and his heartbeat increased as Mr Bieber walked into the room.


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