Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Slenderman's POV:

I watched from the treeline as Hoodie and Nurse Ann fell from the child's bedroom window. Hoodie made sure that it was he who had the softest landing of the two of them. I don't much like it when my Proxy's try to kill each other, but it was hard not to just let them handle their own problems when it came to disputes. Sally watched from my arms as Hoodie, punched Nurse Ann repeatedly in her face. Sally had been worried for Adam and I had wanted to show her that no matter the choice, Hoodie would do what was best for Adam. Masky being a good friend, went over to the neighbor's house that Adam was most likely to run to for help and corralled Hoodie's startle prey back to his rightful place. Before Hoodie finished with Nurse Ann, he stood up and delivered a final kick to her ribs and walked away.

"Should we help her?" Sally asked from my arms. I simple shook my head and motioned Nurse Ann to our presence.

She picked herself up and limped over. She had a crazed smile on her face, as she looked at me. "Can I him?" She panted, holding her arms where the stitches holding her together began to fall apart.

I pointed to the trees behind me, ordering her to return to the forest. She needed to get to work suturing her loose stitching. Adam was Hoodie's and that was all. I had only agreed to allow Sally to play to give her time to play and that was all. After all Sally was a ghost and whether the little girl in my arms understood fully or not; Ghost had to haunt the living at time to stay energized.

"Fine." Nurse Ann huffed, annoyed that I had not taken her side and stalked as best as her damaged and loose stitching would allow back into the woods.

Sally and I watched her go.

"So, does this mean I can't play with Adam anymore too?" Sally said, turning her innocent blue eyes to my.

I let out an exasperated sigh that was silent. None of my Proxy's liked playing by the rules. But it seemed like that my girls were most prone to ignore them. Maybe I am too soft on them. Even little Sally would sometimes disobey the rules that I have set. Hoodies, prey seemed to have attracted more of my Proxy's, especially if my girls were interested. I'm sure we were all interested in how Hoodie was going to handle the boy.

Adam's POV:

As soon as we reached my room Brian jerked my arm, yanking me into the room in front of him and pushing me on top of my bed. I let out a small yelp as my right arm got trapped under me and immediately flipped myself around, not wanting to keep my back to him. I scramble for the opposite side of my bed, wanting to put some distance between me and him, however Brian merely grabbed my ankle, releasing an angry growl as he did and pulled me back to the middle of my bed and eliminated any attempt to me kicking out at him by climbing and sitting himself on my legs. I thrashed ans struggles as much as could to try and dislodge him, to throw him off, but nothing was working. When I attempted to yell and shout for help, he silenced me by covering my mouth with his hand, pressing hard to where my teeth press painfully into my gums. With my pinned and silenced, he watched me struggle beneath him with a coldness and anger, but he did nothing to stop my struggles. I don't know how long I struggled until I laid panting behind his hand; drained, and tired. It was then that he leaned down over me and talked lowly in my ear. "You stay quiet, or else." Then teeth latch onto my earlobe and nibbled, as he removed his hand.

"No! Stop!" I said trying to push him off, turning my head to get away from the teeth. He then grasped my chin, his finger digging into the underside of my jaw, so that I could not move my head again, as his teeth moved to my exposed neck, nipping hard at my flesh. "Ow! Stop it!" I said, as best as I could, still trying to push him off.

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