Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Adam's POV:
"I'm not dead! I'm not dead! This isn't death! This is hell!" I mumbled, no longer trying to get away from the darkness. I had stopped walking at some point and was sitting on a solid mass, that I tried to convince myself wasn't a pile of bodies. This voice that was talking to me had stopped aw well and the only thing I could hear was the constant static sound of the white noise. "I'm a good person. I don't deserve this. What did I ever do to deserve this?!"

"Maybe you did nothing at all...." I looked up at the voice. Amy stepped out of the darkness. She had blood on her face where she had been shot. My breath hitched in my throat at the sight of her. "Adam..."

My mouth gaped open, but nothing came out, not even air. I didn't know what I wanted to do more; breathe, scream, or pass out, for the shock. "You can't be here...." I finally settled on, surprising myself.

"But I am....And so are you...." She answered, taking a slow step toward me.

I stayed rooted where I was, trying to remind myself this wasn't real. That none of this was real. She stared at me with dead eye that were so unlike her., as her slow steps placed her right before me. Slowly and wordlessly she reach for my hand, lacing her fingers through mine; just like when we were kids. "I'm dead aren't I?" I asked wanting her to confirm it, before I went crazy from this roller coaster ride.

"No...."She answered after staying silent. A breath of air escaped me in a form of a sigh at her words. "But you are close...." She lifted her head, and looked around the darkness as if there was someone else there with us. I looked with her, but saw nothing. However, after everything that has happened I wouldn't be surprised if there was something else in the darkness besides my dead best friend. "You must decide what you want, Adam.....Only you can choose."

I stared at her in silence digesting what she was saying. In truth, I knew that she was a figment of my mind, to try and cope with the trauma, to try and find comfort, where there was none. "I want to go home. I want all this to be a nightmare!" I said in a begging tone. Maybe if I pleaded with this version of my friend I would wake in my bed. "Whatever I did to deserve all this! I'm sorry! Okay! I'm sorry you died! I'm sorry I'm gay! That I'm not the best son! Or the smartest person that I could be! That I don't like certain foods! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything!" I ranted, tears escaping my eyes revealing just how broken this whole situation had made me.

She stared silently at me, as if letting me rant at her, like we use to do when one of us needed to someone to listen. "Maybe you did nothing to deserve this....Maybe you were in the wrong place at the right time....Maybe you were chosen."She said, once I had finished.

"Chosen?" I asked confused by her choice of words.

"You are a very emotional person....You are a very likable person...."She said.

I gaped at her. "I'm going through hell because I'm a good person?!" I bellowed. When she nodded I suddenly felt pissed off. "What the hell....?!" I was interrupted by a sudden surge of static that felt like it was going to crush my brain. I had to close my eyes and grab my head, less my head tried to explode on me.

"You still with me?"

My eyes snapped opened at the new voice revealing Brian. He was standing in front of me, giving me a quizzical look, as he held my wallet in his hands. "I uh...." I did a quick look around noticing we were no longer in the Bio-Domes. We were standing in the middle of the sidewalk. "Where are we?" I asked.

"Outside. I just noticed you were acting strange." Brian said. Glancing back to my wallet.

"Give me that!" I snapped, snatching back my wallet, looking through it to make sure nothing was missing.

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