"Sofia?" I quickly turn and a genuine smile appears on my face as I see Jeremy standing there before me. It's been so long without him and I waste no time before rushing into his arms.

"Jer." I cry into his shoulder and holds me close. I quickly pull away when I feel myself getting hungry.

"It's okay Sofia." Everyone looks at me and I can't stop the hunger I feel.

"Please Jer, I don't want to hurt you."

"Sof." Caroline speaks up. "You can do this. Just believe in yourself."

"I don't want to lose control."

"Fearing of losing control is going to make you go insane. Just breath and do as we discussed." She coaches me. I take a careful step forward. Jeremy stands his ground as he watches me.

"If I make a move to hurt him stop me." I tell everyone. I stand closer to my brother and my veins appear on my face and I want to rip his throat out.

"You can fight the hunger Sofia. You can do it." He assures me. I look him in the eyes and I bring him back down for a hug. My throat feels extremely dry but I fight through the hunger. Instead, I enjoy having my brother in my arms. I release myself from him and everyone smiles at me.

I already had my goodbye with my sister another would just break me. "Hey." Bonnie greets me.

"Nothing feels complete without her."

"I know how you feel."

"For some weird reason, I don't need a daylight ring."


"The sun does not affect me."

"Thank you for what you did for me. You saved me again from a life or death situation."

"You're family to me, Bon. I will do anything for you."

"Even after everything I've done to you."

"We fight but we will always be there for one another when it matters most."

"I've been thinking about why we never sensed you were a siphoner. And it dawned on me. Never has it been recorded that the doppelganger occurred as twins." I sit up straighter as she mentions this.

"The blood of the doppelganger is one of the most potent supernatural ingredients. And for the Gemini Coven twins are seen as powerful beings."

"What are you saying, Bonnie?"

"You never showed the characteristics of being a siphoner because you always had an endless supply of magic to siphon from. It could explain why you could do magic easier but also lacked control."

"There is still so much unknown about me."

"Sofia...I wouldn't be here today if you hadn't fought for me to live." I hug Bonnie and for some weird reason, I feel like it will be the last time I will see her for a while. I know no matter what we will be there for each other.

"Live the fullest life, Bonnie. Never look back. Elena loves you more than you know."

"I will try everything I can to find a cure for her."

"As will I. This is not goodbye Bon, I will see you again."

"Go get your baby back."


"When Care helped me speak with Elena she informed us about what you've been going through. No one will know and I will do everything in my power to fight for your daughter."

"I love you, Bon." I cry a little in her shoulder as I hug her one last time.

"Love you Sof. Stay strong."

Rebekah's POV

Holding Hope in my arms I rock her as I tell her one of my favorite stories. "Once upon a time, there was a majestic king. Who lived with his noble brother and a powerful radiant queen. They all lived in a colorful kingdom where music and art were celebrated. The king and queen did not foresee having a child. But they lived in an enchanted land where all things were possible. In time he was blessed with a beautiful baby daughter. From whom he and his queen wished only peace and happiness. Still, the king had demons who pursued him. There was a ruthless beast who wanted to take the kingdom for her own. Armed with a pack of untamed creatures...she drove the other magical beings from the land." I look down at my niece and smile. She knows nothing of the danger she was brought into and the love her parents have for her.

"And there was a wicked sorceress...who fought to end the queen for some time, but the queen was stronger than the sorceress thought. The queen was not able to stop the sorceress and her enchanted stones. Stones that weakened the king every full moon." I tuck Hope into her crib ready for bed. "Seeing the shadow his enemies cast upon his home...the king and queen were driven to send their beloved princess away. Convincing all who remained that she was forever lost." I reach out and hold her tiny hand.

"The king and queen in their sorrow turned away from the world. The castle closed its doors...and the kingdom fell. Some say the only light that shines in the castle...illuminates the shadow of the once mighty king in the room meant for his child. But the ruthless beasts took rule over the fallen king's realm...little did they know that he and his brother...would not rest until their enemies were vanquished. For they believed that one day...they would heal their kingdom and bring their princess home. So that she might live happily ever after."

I can't wait for you all to read what I have planned for Sofia and Aurora. Sofia will be savage!!!

Always and Forever ~2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें