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So.... this is not a chapter.  Sorry for those who actually do read this.

I feel horrible putting an author's note.  But I had to.

I'm not discontinuing this story, but I will not further update this one, since I will be re-typing it.

The other day I was reading through it to be able to refresh my memory on what I had and also to think what else I should put.

BUT I noticed a few things.  I made a lot of mistakes.  I thought I had caught a lot of them before posting the chapters.   But I didn't catch them all.

And besides I really didn't like some of the parts I had put.  They made me cringe so bad as I was reading it.  So I will be re-typing it and updating it as a new story.   But I will still keep this one up so I can look back on it to keep some parts the same.

But yeah, this is just to notify those who read this and anyone who may read this later on, that this story will not longer be updated since I will be posting it as a new story.  Which will hopefully be much better.

Anyways that's it.

That's it for now.

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