4- Voices

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You woke up, a small scream piercing into the pitch black that surrounded you. Your body quickly flung itself up, but due to the lack of any extra space, you ended up falling on the floor. You groaned and rubbed the back off your head, you felt like you hit it against a rock!

A light suddenly flicked on, and you hissed at the sudden brightness. A low chuckle could be heard and you rubbed your eyes and re opened them, successfully trying to get use to the light. At that moment, you realized you were no longer in the red car you had use to be in, and were in a comfy looking home. In front of you, you could see G with that stupid shit eating smirk of his plastered on his face, as his hand rested on the light switch that led upstairs to a loft. If you craned your neck, you could faintly see about 3 to 4 doors aligned along the walls. You'd have to save taking a curious look around for later, because G was striding his way over to you. You stood up and help the back of your head where it was hit, and looked to the side to see what you hit it against.


You really did hit it against a rock.

On the table that sat a few feet in front of you was a weird looking plate of spaghetti, a cup of water, and a rock on a plate that had glitter on the top. You look at G with a lost glance, and he just shrugged.

"It's me 'n paps pet rock." He said, shifting his weight into one foot. You looked even more lost at that point, but sighed and flopped back down on the green couch behind you. It wasn't very comfortable, but you weren't gonna complain when Papyrus had allowed you to be off the streets and into a home for a night, even if it meant skipping out on an expensive hotel night that was reduced to something you could actually afford.

"So, sleeping beauty, why'd ya scream? Thought someone was attacking you or something..." G asked, quirking a bone brow in question. Really, you didn't understand skeleton logic. Weren't bones suppose to stay still...?
G waved his hand in front of your face due to your lack of response.

It's at this moment you found out he had no palm of a hand. Really, he had a giant hole going through where it should be. This was enough to snap you out of thought, and you stared at it for a moment. Again, still unresponsive.

"You know, it's rude to flatly ignore people." He said, stuffing his hands into his sweatpants pockets. He then added, "And stare." You shook your head, and played with your hair. It's something you usually do when your nervous or embarrassed.

"Hehe, sorry... u-um, I had a small nightmare...?" You shyly said. He nodded and plopped down on the couch next to you. You again just noticed how he was only in a pair of sweats and nothing else, showing off his ribs. They were pure white, save for the many grey scars that appeared all over him. You could faintly see a few chips of bone, which knocked off the creeping blush from your face and instead replaced it with worry. He got a funny look on his face and was about to talk, when you suddenly spoke.

"Are... you okay?"

He looked at you confused, but saw how your face held only concern for his battle scars. He sighed tiredly but nodded.
"I'm fine sweetheart, a little bit of fighting ain't done nothing much to me." He says. You give him a flat look and point to the never healing scars on his face, to which he seems lost about but then chuckles.

"Alright, maybe fighting did do a mark on me once, but these are old." You nod. G suddenly makes a strange face, seemingly having an internal conflict. Deciding against asking him what was wrong, you take a look around. As you noticed before, you were on a stiff green mattress that could probably hold three people. In front of you and the coffee table was a large flat screen TV that rested on a old looking block of wood, with a few old movies stacked beside it. You could faintly see in the reflection of the screen of what was behind you. A dining table and a few chairs were tucked into the corner of a wall behind an open doorway, with a kitchen seemingly connected. You sighed and placed your head on your hand, trying to rest it. You wince as a sharp pain shoots throughout your jaw, and quickly retract your hand away. G seemed to have notice this, and looks at you funnily. He gently takes your head and leans in, tilting your head up so it meets his gaze. You gulp as heat rises to your cheeks and your heart rate quickens, but it all calms down when G tilts your head to the side and stars inspecting your face. His other hand gently traces at some bruises and cuts that you wince at, and he grumbles something inaudible before getting up and leaving down the hall. You put a hand to your chest and release a breath, not realizing you were holding it in for so long.

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