2- Its all gone Black (Old)

472 18 2

-Main POV-

"Grillby's, huh?" You say to yourself. You take another whiff in the air, and you can take a good guess that the delicious aroma is coming from here.

It seems like it's caught Milo's attention, too, because now even he is sticking his head out of your bag.

You sigh, and start stepping inside. You've never been one to talk. Your quite anti-social, to be honest. But, you were hungry, and so was Milo, so you had to do something.

As soon as you step in, all you see are monsters. You hesitantly walk up to the bar, taking a look around.

"It's nice. Not too rambunctious. Not too loud." You thought. You sat down at the bar, and focus your view on the table. That is, until you see the table reflects what looks to be a fire. You glance up, only to see a flaming man standing in front of you. You feel nice and warm now. He pushes in his glasses and hands you a menu. You quietly say thank you, and he just nods.

You look on it a bit, till you spot something you like.

"U-um..." You start hesitantly, and you catch his attention. He looks at you, and you can sort of see how his eyes are glancing around your bruised face. Even though you can't make out full detail, you can see some pity on his face.

"Sorry... um.. can I get (F/F) and a side of fries, please?" You ask softly. The man nods and turns away into the kitchen, and a few minutes later comes out with your food. He places it in front of you, and what you don't notice is Milo crawling out of your bag. The flaming man looks to his side, and his flames seem to rise for a moment. You tilt your head confused, and look to where he's staring, and to your surprise Milo has successfully crawled out of the bag and onto the counter.

"Milo!" You shout, and grab him.

"I-I'm sorry if you don't a-allow pets here, sir..." You say softly. The flaming man chuckles and shakes his head. When he chuckles, you noticed how some crackles of fire can also be heard.

"No, please, it's fine, no worries." He says softly. Him talking surprised you for a second, but you end up smiling. His voice was rather soothing. It was deep yet soft and calm.

"My name is Grillby, the owner of this bar." He says, going back to cleaning a cup. Since he didn't seem to mind Milo on the counter beside you, you picked up a few fries for Milo to eat and let him sit upon the counter.

"O-oh! It's nice to meet you. My name's in (Y-Y/N)." You say, stuttering. You aren't use to this nice small talk.

Grillby nods.

"Nice to meet you as well." He says. And then you two were quiet. It was sort of an awkward silence. You began to eat your food.

Then, he breaks the awkwardness. Thank gods.

"So, (Y/N), are you a fighter of some sorts?" He asks, glancing away from his cup to look at you. At first you were confused, but then you remembered the bruise on your face.

"O-oh! No...it's uh, rather something else." You say, and go quiet, Grillby nods and doesn't push any further.

"So... um... is it hard to run a business? You seem to be working here all alone..." You say. He looks up at you and sighs, placing the cup down. He leans on the table separating you two.

"I suppose. There are always the drunks and fighters that come in, along with others, but none the less I take care of it." He says, sounding proud. You smile. You finish what your eating.

"Right, So, how much do I owe you?" You ask, taking out your bag from the side of you. You glance up and see Grillby's attention is set on Milo, as Milo is brushed up against his sleeve, purring, due to his natural warmth. You giggle, and Grillby looks happy.

"Sorry, what did you say?" He asks, turning back to you. You smile.

"How much do I owe you?" You ask again, still smiling. Grillby shakes his head.

"Nothing. You look beat up as is. I don't want to take your money, you may need it for more important things instead."
He says, you smile and shake your head and pull out a twenty. He looks like he's about to protest but you say something before he can.

"Relax. This is just a tip and a thank you, and so I can get 3 bottles of water." You say, and wink with a small grin. He sighs and takes the money.

"I suppose I can take it, but save the money for more important things." He implies, and then reaches under the counter and gives you a few water bottles. You nod, and take whatever's left in the fry container and box it up, putting it away in your bag, along with the water. You grab Milo and hold him, before wrapping him up in a small scarf you had and putting him in the bag once more. You and Grillby exchange goodbyes, and you head out to find a motel.

To your surprise, it's already dark out. You guess you've been in there for a while. The streets look empty and you sigh. You already feel uncomfortable, and that's only because you were whistled to by a few guys just a few minutes ago. You head your way down a street, holding your bag beside you. You pass by a few alley ways, when suddenly an arm jerks out and grabs you. You scream, and your thrown against a wall. You wince in pain, your head hit the brick wall pretty hard. You could feel the warm trickle of blood go down the side of your neck. You began to shake every so slightly. Damn fears. You look up at who grabbed you.

It was some old looking man. He had a disgusting smirk on him as he held you against the wall. He looked to be in his 30's, and he was wearing some suit that smelt of alcohol and cigarettes. You tried to scream again, but he muffled it and looked angry. He came closer to your ear.

"Look here, bitch... I'm just looking for a fun time, and you look pretty lonely. Let's get a motel, shall we? I can teach you a good time..." He says, his voice deep and seducing. You shook your body around. You bit his hand and he pulled it away, only to throw you to the ground. You put your bag behind you and shielded Milo from getting hurt. The guy kicked you in the legs and you cried out in pain.

That's gonna leave a bruise.

Suddenly, the man stops. You gasp and crawl away from him, only to see he's floating in some yellow aura. He's thrown against the wall and then hit to the floor. You were terrified. You looked up to see a tall figure. He scoffs at the man, and then sees you. The aura surrounds you and you have an even worse headache than before. You hold your head and fall back, all until everything turns black.

Sweetheart (Gaster!Sans x Abused!Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt