4- A Change in Heart(Old)

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You sat down at the table besides papyrus, G sat in front of you. He eyed you with amusement as you poked at the spaghetti that sat in front of you. You'd try to twist it onto the fork, but as soon as you stuck your fork into the food you realized how rubbery and solid it was. You cringed at it, but when you looked to the side and saw how excited Papyrus was to see your reaction, you couldn't help but go soft. So, shakily, you managed to cut off a piece of spaghetti from the slab in front of you and brought it to your mouth and took a bite.


Papyrus looked at you in hope, but his happy smile faltered when he saw your confused expression. You'd thought it'd taste gross, but really there wasn't a taste to describe it. Literally, this tasted like nothing. It was indescribable. You tried your hardest to swallow, and though your body refused, you managed to take down the bite.

"SO HUMAN (Y/N), HOW IS IT?" Papyrus asked, tugging at the end of his apron that read "Kiss the Skeleton!" Though the word 'Skeleton' was written over the crossed out word of cook. You thought it was cute and funny.

You couldn't lie to him, quite honestly you wanted to blurt out how confused you were with the taste. Yet, you couldn't crush him like that either, so you tried to go for the middle path.

"Um... it's indescribable!" You said. G snorted at your attempt to cover up the truth. You glared at him but then became even more confused when you saw his empty plate.

'How did he eat so quickly...?'  You thought. G picked up your confusion and chuckled, then glanced to the trash. You followed his eye lights, and then facepalmed at the spaghetti that was covered in napkins, trying to conceal how he didn't eat it. Papyrus, however, beamed at your comment.

"YES! THE GREAT PAPYRUS HAS YET AGAIN IMPRESSED SOMEONE WITH HIS AMAZING COOKING!" He yelled joyfully. You smiled and nodded, and Papyrus happily skipped into the kitchen. You watched him leave, and made sure he was gone before you let out a tired sigh and rested your head on the table. G, who was amused by your actions, took your spaghetti and disposed of it for you. He came up from behind you and snaked his arms around you, leaning his head into the crook of your neck. You jolted with the sudden touch and G chuckled. His breath tickled and danced on your neck, causing you to blush.

"Say dove, thank you for cheering to my brother like that, it was nice of ya." G whispered. You quickly shoved his face away from you, causing him to stumble back. You huff and rub your head tiredly.

"Yeah, it was no problem. I can't bare crushing his heart." You admit. You're leaning back on the chair so you can face G when you talk, unknown to you that you're leaning too far back. G however, takes notice of the chair about to slip from its back legs.

"Dove, you might wanna-"

Alas, before he could finish that, your chair gives in and falls back, taking you to the floor. You hit your head on the wood and hiss in pain. If your head banging against the wall earlier didn't form a bump, that sure did. G stares down at you shocked, before bursting out laughing. You grumble a line of swears as you stand up, rubbing the sore spot on your head.

"Hardy har har, glad to know my pain is such a delight to you asshat." You grumble, sending a glare his way. He returns the glare, though it's more playful. Confused at his actions, you turn away from him. Just earlier you were at each other's necks, why's he acting so buddy buddy now? You shake your head and begin to walk away to the couch to snuggle your little kitten, when a bony hand wraps around your wrist.

You're twirled around and you dizzily looked up to G.

"What?" You said irritated.

"You didn't eat. Don't want ya to starve yourself." He muses, smirking. "Lemme take you to my buddies, he's got the hottest food in town." He chuckles. You looked up to him confused. What was so funny?

"Fine, Fine. Let me just get Milo. He hasn't eaten either."

And with that, you finally notice how your feline friend had come to get you. He sat at your foot silently. You wouldn't have even known he was there if it wasn't for a sudden 'tap' and a soft mew to catch your attention. You looked down, only to see the little kitten playing with one of G's boots shoelaces. The tap was Milo kicking your shoe. You giggle at the sight while G chuckles.

You bend down and pick up your cat. You put on a clean sweatshirt and smiled happily with the fresh scent. Papyrus had told you he washed some clothes that were in your bag while you were asleep, and by God's were you happy for that. You tucked Milo into a scarf you carried and turned to the door. You were going to head out when - you guessed it, G slid in front of you.

"Actually, I know a shortcut." He spoke. He held his hand out to you and you hesitantly took it. How could he know a shortcut when we're still inside of his house? But, before you could ponder the thought longer, you found yourself feeling weightless, before becoming dizzy. You groaned and G held you so you wouldn't fall. You stabilized, and noticed that, somehow, you were outside of a familiar bar.

"Heh, sorry 'bout that Dove. You'll get use to it eventually." G mused as he stepped away from you and slid into the bar. People greeted him happily, and even you got a few waves from the costumers you saw earlier. You waved back shyly. G sat at the bar and you sat next to him. You sat Milo down on the bar and smiled, already knowing Grillby will be playing with him the chance he gets to.

G stares at you confused but smirks slyly.

"Don't know if the owner here will allow that." He said smirking. You confidently smirk back and wink.

"Oh I know he will."

Just as you say that, the walking flame comes out from the back holding someone's order. You wave to him with a warm smile. G stares at you confused. Had you two already met?

"To answer your obvious internal conflict, yes, me and Grillby have already met. Just before you found me, he gave me a meal." You say, smiling. Grillby returns from giving out the order and looks at you and G, but you notice how he's trying not to coo over the curious Milo below him.

"'Sup Grillbz. Just my usual." G says. Grillby sighs but nods and faces you. He tilts his head in a manner of asking what you want. You smile softly.

"Can I please have some Fries, with a burger and (F/D)?" You ask. Grillby nods and writes it down on his notepad. He turns to Milo and pats his head softly. You can barely notice the goofy smile Grillby has when the tiny animal purrs to his warm touch.

Everything in this moment feels right, and you can't help but have a dreamy look in your face as you feel so at peace.

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