I like talking to you, you're one of the few fans that doesn't seem to freak out, it's sweet that ARMY get excited when we respond but some take it too far, boasting to others that we love them more or something silly like that. Thank you for keeping this chat between us, it really means a lot, we've had some scandals in the past for talking to fans. So thank you.

Thank you Jimin, seriously stop thanking me it's no trouble at all, I wish more fans were like this. It's silly, the only thing freaking out does is drives you away, if more fans would be more respectful and just treat us like humans then they'd get to talk to their idol like they so badly want to.

"Us"? I'm guessing that was a typo...?

Jungkook's POV

My eyes widened at the screen, going back to reread what I had sent causing my heart to drop. I've had way too many close calls on this account now, thank god Jimin's way too forgiving and kind to suspect anything...

Oh uh yeah I meant you. Sorry. Got caught up in my rant.

Don't worry, but yeah I agree, I'm glad you understand. But you still never even answered my first question, are you happy?

I smiled down at the message, always so kind... He is constantly putting others before himself, even total strangers, he trusts people too easily. But it's sweet.

Our _Bangtan
I'm happy when you're happy.

An ordinary fan would probably even write something like that, so it's not too weird I don't think... he won't think anything of it because he's so naive- in a cute way...

Tsk, I thought I told you to think of your happiness before mine. But at least you're happy, because I am! So you must be 😁

I love you Jimin-Ah, thank you for chatting with me, but don't let me take up too much of your time, you must be busy?

Well we've actually got the evening off, but Taehyung is bugging me, keeps on asking me to help him with something in his room, so I will go now. But I had a nice conversation, and I hope some of the things I said will help in some way.

Ah okay, I hope you and Tae figure it out, whatever it is he needs help with, but thank you again, I love you.

Even though it was the fan speaking, not me, it felt so good to just openly tell him I loved him. I know I'll never be able to say it the way I want to as Jeon Jungkook... but as an unknown fan, it just helps lift a little bit of weight off my heart.

A few moments later there was a knock at my door, I wasn't expecting anyone so was slightly confused but still called for them to come in anyway.

As the door opened I was even more confused as Jimin stepped inside with a small smile. I immediately shut off my phone and stood up. He said he needed to help Taehyung... why is he here? Do they need my help?

"What's Up Hyung? Did you need my help?" I asked before immediately freezing and holding my breath, I'm not supposed to think he's helping Taehyung...

"Uh... no? I just wanted to come and see you... is that okay?" He asked hesitantly and I sighed of relief, he didn't suspect anything too weird... "oh, yeah that's fine, but I thought you weren't allowed to stay in my room?" I asked in a huff and sat back onto my couch.

I saw his eyes widen as he fiddled with his fingers, "what do you mean not allowed?" He asked and I rolled my eyes, "Namjoon told me he was the one who asked you to stay out of my room."

He stood still for a moment before moving to come and sit beside me on the couch, "I understand why he did it Jungkook. You know I love you, and all the others but we have been spending a lot of time together recently, I don't want people to think anything of us. Of course there are fans who will always ship us or the other members but if news articles get the wrong idea and start creating scandals just because we're super close friends... I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for the damage it could cause."

I was avoiding his eyes the whole time he spoke to me, it hurt, especially that he basically confirmed he doesn't feel anything remotely romantic towards me, "I get it Hyung, I already spoke to Namjoon, I just don't understand why you can't spend time with me while we're here, nobody will know so no scandals can happen, I sleep so much better with you here, being able to hear your breathing and feel your warmth... I need it Hyung."

I could feel my eyes getting watery but really didn't want to cry in front of him over something he just sees as friends having to distance a little bit, "Jungkookie... I'm sorry, I wish you could sleep better without me because I can't stay in here Kook-ah. I know it's hard to stay apart but if we spend time together here we'll get used to it and get even closer while we're in public too, I've already been seeing more and more shippers as it is, we don't want that do we?" He laughed a little and I just frowned.

Yes, I do want people to ship us together, I love that they think you love me... reading their comments about the way you look at me and the way you care for me, it really makes me feel better, makes me feel loved...

"Jungkook..? Please don't be mad at me I'm just trying to protect Bangtan." He pouted and I finally looked up into his eyes, with my own sparkling with tears, "protect them from what Hyung? Even if articles start scandals it's not hard to deny them when it's clearly not true. Like you said, we're just super close friends." I sighed, my voice laced with sarcasm.

"What's that supposed to mean, you don't think we're close friends?" He frowned, shuffling away from me a little bit with a hurt expression, "no Jimin I don't. If we were really close friends you would ignore what Namjoon said and want to come here anyway, partly because you wanted to see me so badly and partly because you know I can't sleep without you, but you're just going to let me get no sleep."

I hated myself for getting angry with him, I was angry with myself, I wish I didn't love him the way I did, everything would be so much easier. But the easiest thing to do now was to flip it and blame all my problems on him.

"But that's the problem Jungkook, I really do think we're super close friends... but I'm also that with the other members, and I can't be selfish and look out for you when it could even have a small chance of ruining their careers." I felt a pang in my chest, I really am no more important than the others for him...

That's how it should be... but I can't stop loving you...


Ahhh sorry this story is taking a sad turn, this is the only story I'm writing that currently has no preplanned plot, it's literally just going wherever my brain takes it.

I seem to always cause drama and angst in my stories when they have no plot... oops...

I promise I'll stop the sadness ASAP and get it back to being the cute little Jikook story it should be 😅

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