"Don't lie to me"

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a/n: Peter finds out that Aunt May was going to send him to an orphanage because she simply found a new husband, and he isn't very fond of Peter.


Peter was just making his way down the hall to use the bathroom but he heard his Aunt May on the phone 2 in the morning.

"Yes, Could you take him later today?" In confusion he decided to listen in on the conversation.

"Peter Parker, He's 15 years old, 5 '9. Please just explain to him that it's for his own good." His heart began to crack. She was going to leave him.

"Yes I'll be at work so that way you tell him the news."

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Alright, I've already got his stuff packed. Thank you, bye bye." May didn't notice Peter by the door and Peter didn't notice her boyfriend Matt.

"You're gonna leave me?" Peter stepped into the room.

"Peter I-" May started.

"She doesn't want you, she only dealt with you because she had to. You're the real reason why Ben died anyway." Matt walked towards Peter, causing him to back into the wall.

"I-Is that true?"

"I-It was never like tha-." May admitted, biting her acrylics.

"Don't lie to me..."

"I packed your stuff, you're leaving at 7am." Matt informed. Peter nodded walking upstairs. He snatched his bag and locked the door. He put his suit on and grabbed everything he wanted to keep but kept it to a minimum. He continued to sniffle as his tears fell and rolled down to his chin. He pulled on his mask and shot out a web, soon enough he ended up on the top of the Avengers tower. He set his duffle and backpack down laying on his duffle as a blanket and using his suits heater as a blanket. He looked up at the stars and KAREN spoke.

"Tony Stark calling." Since he was in his suit he decided to answer.


"Hey kid, why are you out so late it's 3am." Peter held in his tears.

"Sorry Mr.Stark im just using the suit for the night. It's my pajamas." He lied.

"I know you Peter. You wouldn't dare to use the suit unless you were on patrol. You'd never sleep in it either, that'd be a risk of Aunt May finding out." Tony sounded concerned. When he didn't get a response he knew. "I'm coming." Tony stayed on the phone and Peter looked up at the sky. He didn't have anyone, so was there a purpose? He walked to the ledge of the tower, the wind in his face. he felt free.

"Peter?" Tony called from behind, he looked back with his suit still on, there stood Tony, Steve, Bucky, and Bruce. Nat was currently on a mission. "Peter it's okay."

"said no one at all." Peter replied mask still on. Tony signaled Steve to come with him while the others stay back.

"Peter why are you doing this?" Steve asked. Peter pulled off his mask revealing his puffy red eyes. He threw it to the side.

"Aunt May. She never even wanted me. S-She would rather have her stupid boyfriend over family. Or would she even consider me as family?" he laughed turning back towards the edge.

"Peter I want you. We want you." Tony stepped closer as Steve came from his left, closer than Tony.

"That's exactly what she told me before Uncle Ben died, the whole thing was my fault anyways." Peter broke down and sat there sobbing. Steve quickly pulled him away from the ledge. "I can't do anything right." The present Avengers wrapped him in their arms.

"Kid, it was never your fault." Bucky advised him.

"It doesn't matter what you do. We'll always love you."

the end.

a/n: I know it's bad im sorry, it's currently 1:57am and yall have a nice day/night depending on when you read this. thanks

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