chapter 31

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(In my last chapter alot of y'all assumed it was chad who shot vashon.. We'll see)


I'm sitting in the hospital For like literally fucking hours.. next to my mom who's crying her heart out, and there's me who's scared whether vashon would leave out of this hospital alive. But as if right now I keep thinking who would do this and why!

"Ma its gonna be okay" I said trying to calm her down but my words seemed to make her more worried

"I can't believe this"  said as tears continued to flow down her face "how did this happen?"

"I don't know.. I wish I did"

"This is un fucking believable" she had cried her mascara off

I handed her a tissue and she wiped her face, then the doctors came over to us

"Is he okay?" I asked

"Well hes fine. He will be in undescribable pain because of the surgery we did on him to remove the bullet. We're gonna keep him in the hospital overnight to make sure he's good enough to go home. But moral of the story don't worry he's going to be okay. He's also gonna be on medication for a while to help the pain" the doctor stated as he looked at some papers

   A huge weight lifted up off of me. I'm so happy vashon is going to be okay

"Thank god" my mom smiled

"Believe it or not if he didnt make it to the E.R the time he did he could've went into a coma because of the amount of blood he was loosing" the doctor stated

"Wow,that's crazy" I said as I shook my head

"Oh!" The doctor said loudly which made me jump "you guys can see him now if you would like"

"Yes we would like to see him" I nodded In agreement

"Okay follow me"

Me and my mom followed the doctor. We walked in a long ass hallway before reaching the room where vashon was. He was laying in the hospital bed watching TV that was on the wall in front of him.

"Aww look at my baby" my mom said as she ran over to him and kissed his cheek. He smiled a little

"Ma,stop" he said in a low voice

"Vashon" I said

"Hmm?" He replied

"I love you, so much" I said as I blinked really fast to prevent the tears from coming out

"Love you too y/n"

"How do you feel? " my mom asked

"I could barely move, my stomach hurt and everything" he replied

"I hate to see you like this.. Hooked to all this stuff" I said as I sat on the edge of his hospital bed

"I hate that I feel like this" he said

I really did think that vashon wouldnt make it the way he was bleeding and shit and to see him up fully recovered I'm so thankful

"What happend.. Do you know who shot you" my mom asked

"Let me tell y'all what happened" he cleared his throat but when he spoke his voice still was low

"Yes please do because I'm so confused" my mom said as she sat down in a chair next to the hospital bed

"Im not gonna include all The details because my mouth is really dry"

I sighed "start talking" I got irritated because I really wanted to know what happened

"This morning,probably a Lil after when ma left for work somebody kept banging on the door so I opened it and saw ----wait my nose itch...can you scratch it for me" he said

I laughed "Really? Cmon" I scratched his nose

"Okay so you opened the door and saw who?" My mom said and clearly she was annoyed by his interruption in the middle of telling us what happened

"I saw chad" he said

" are you dead ass" I said as I got heated and not caring at the fact that my mom was right there

"Yes I'm dead ass but let me finish"

"I just-- just continue"my mom said as she frowned

"He said he needed to get some stuff from upstairs and I said I don't think my mom would want you in here and he got all hype on me trying to come in.. So I pushed him and that's when I saw jalen come out of a car asking his dad what's going on..they were talking and chad said let me in or I'll kill you.. I said no"

he cleared his throat one more time

"chad and jalen were discussing something until jalen said I don't wanna go to jail and chad said I'll cover for you and I was odee confused. Then chad grabbed me by my shirt and and by this time I was in the driveway..all of a sudden jalen pointed the gun towards me and I panicked... he shot once and I dodge it then chad held me so I would dodge another shot again and once it hit my stomach and blood ran down they pulled off in the car they came in and that's what happened"

My mouth was open... Jalen tho? It sounds as if chad got his son to do the dirty work for him pussy ass bitch

  My mom started to cry

"This is fucking ridiculous... " she said

" ma" vashon put his hand on my moms shoulder slowly "I'm okay don't worry"

"You're right.. But it should've never happened" she said

"For real .."

After a while in the middle of talking To my mom and vashon August called

"I be right back" I said as I left the room and went into the hallway

I answered the phone


"Hey wassup y/n"


"Oh" he said and there was a silence then he spoke " I just wanted to apologize about last night, I thought about what you said and you really do have a point. I should've never came out of character like that because those weren't my intentions. And if I hurt your feelings I'm sorry...I love you"

I sighed "its okay august, I lo-" I paused then spoke again "I love you too "


"I'm in the hospital my brother got Hurt"

"Oh damn he good?"

" um yes" I smiled at the fact "he's okay"

"That's good,but call me later I just wanted to check up on you" he said

"Oh okay,later august" I hung up

I walked back into the room and said "so what are we gonna do?"

"Tell the police" my mom shrugged "and I'm sorry that I put y'all in a messy ass situation like this"

"Its alright..." Vashon said

"Stop apologizing... We understand that you don't and never mean to hurt us. Apologizing doesn't change a thing " I said

We all nodded in agreement and sat in silence



Jalen bum ass

Y'all when I finish this book I got a new book coming out it's gonna be Lit ✊

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