chapter 22

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"August!!" Dior yelled at Aug waiting for a response

"Yeah?" he said as he sat there munching on a piece of bacon

"we need to have a serious conversation" she told him still yelling

"no we don't" I said

"shit yes we do" dior said coming to her defense

"bruh we don't" I got annoyed because I don't want dior to blow my chances with Aug

"just come here Aug" dior said finally lowering her voice

when Aug got up we walked back towards the bathrooms and dior was still holding my wrist like i was a 5year old ready to run away from her.

"why do we have to have a serious conversation?" August asked softly

"I just want to know did you guys really kiss last night?" she asked him

"yeah..i mean it's no big deal" he said smiling

"it is this is some weird shit...I mean you went from beat---"

I stopped Dior from talking because I don't need her messing shit up by bringing up his past

"okay that's enough" I said to Dior "you should go back to the table while I talk to Aug"

"oh okay..I guess I'm being dismissed" dior said as she walked away

I wanted to have some privacy with Aug so i can have a better understanding of what does that kiss mean,because that kiss wasn't no "alright good night" kiss that was some "give me that pussy" or some "I love you babe" kiss

"soooo..." I said trying to find a way to start the conversation

"you liked that kiss didn't you" he said smiling

"ummm...." I laughed to hide the blushing

"you told all your friends didn't you?" he said as he licked his lips

"no i only told Dior...but I shouldn't have...she have a big mouth" I joked around

"clearly..." he laughed but I noticed his gold grills wasn't on his bottom teeth anymore

"sooo....I just wanted to ask you" i paused "what did that kiss mean last night,that shit was so passionate and just--you know"  I  quickly stopped myself before I got in my feelings

"what did you think it mean?" he asked like i had an idea but really i don't

"I don't know that's why I'm asking you" I said getting frustrated

"when you kiss someone you are in a?" he waited for me to finish the sentence

"relationship?" I said hoping that was the right word so i wouldn't look like a idiot in front of August

"yeah....meaning when i kissed you i was hoping we can look forward into being in a relationship..." he said then looked away

"well.....I don't know I guess I can think about it " I said hoping he was satisfied with my answer

"I guess .... we should head back to the table before they start looking for us "

"yeah " I laughed and we walked back to the table

I really wanted to say yes but I know me, and I fall for people hard and really quick! and I don't wanna regret anything so I'm just gonna give my answer some more time ....but I'm extremely shocked that he's willing to start a relationship

     * later that day around 6:45pm*

me and the girls y'all know who (Dior and Breaa) was back at the hotel just relaxing having our girl talks as usual and then August became a topic

"so never told me what happened on your date with August" breaa said

"I'll tell you what happened " Dior said bluntly

"no the fuck you won't....keep your mouth shut this is my business not everyone needs to know" I got pissed

"ohh...well damn nigga I'm sorry no need for the attitude" Dior attacked back

"ooppp" breaa said laughing as she sat on my bed

" set shit clear it wasn't a date we just hanged out like normal people do" I said coming to my defense "we walked and talked,got smoothies,went to an amusement park...and after all that we kissed for about 3minutes" I said quickly to get it off my chest

"ohhhhhhhhhhh lalalaa!!!! you guys really kissed?"breaa asked like i was telling this shit like it was a fairy tale

"yeahh" I said as I started playing with my nails

"awww.....but i still don't like him!" she started to speak her mind "I still thinks he's an ass hole and just because you say he's 'changed' doesn't mean he did that nigga can turn on you any point from now" she looked at me to make sure i was listening so i stopped playing with my nails "think hard girl,are you ready to give your all to him? I'm just saying and I'm not holding you back just choose your decisions wisely"breaa smiled

"well thanks for the advice" I said as I leaned forward to hug her

breaa was speaking some real shit and i should really think hard on what she's told me. Breaa has been there and done that from all of her experiences and I'm glad I have a friend like her to prevent me from making dum ass mistakes

"well me and Dior are going to get our nails done you wanna come?" breaa said

"nahh I'm tired I'll stay here and rest y'all can go ahead" I yawned

"okayyy bye bishh" Dior said as her and breaa walked out

I was tired but I wasn't so tired that I couldn't go out with my best friends, I just need sometime to think...just think but I knew I wasn't gonna have time to do that because Aug just walked in. He was on the phone so I didn't think He'd noticed me but when he said "ight talk you later " and he started walking my way I knew he Was about to come talking to me....

"wessuh y/n? " He asked as he sat in a chair near my bed

"I'm just....laid back you know" I said as i rested my head on a pillow

"yeah....sooo I'm still waiting on that yes or no answer" he said with a smirk on his face

"and im still thinking" I said with attitude in my voice

"that attitude tho" he laughed "but on some real shit based on how you're feeling right now,would i receive a yes or no?" he said as his voice got deep

"you would receive a yes..but--" i said and he cut me off

"take your time shawty i don't want you to regret anything...just remember im satisfied with your answer....but don't take too much time" he said as he got up and walked towards the other side of the hotel room where him and vashons beds are

"I guess"I said very low

I don't know What I wanna do! I know majority of y'all hoes would say yes because of the looks and don't get me wrong that's how I'm feeling right now too...i wanna say yes but it seems as if we're jumping into things soo fast but I'm not the type to hold shit in so I'm just gonna tell August how I'm feeling and give him my final answer...I walked to where August and my brother bed was and said

"August..I think I know my final answer if we can move on into a relationship or nahh" I said as i looked at the ceiling

" your answer is" he said

"i mean..yeahh we can be together or whatever " I said as i cracked a little smile showing the confidence in my answer

I guess I'll give Aug a chance to see how shit goes those could be a mistake but if it is ill learn and move on just hope nobody judges me

"are you serious" he asked as he smiled extremely hard

"yeah" I nodded my head in agreement

he got up walked towards me and kiss me softly...right on the lips just like before but even better

we're in this hotel room alone..who knows what Will happen

shit can get serious You never know!

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