chapter 17

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After the incident in the kitchen I went to take a shower because when i take showers my mind always get cleared and i don't wanna think about how my mom was choosing chad annoying ass over me AGAIN. I took my shower and when I got out i put on some pajamas.

I can see my summer will be boring ...and now that my mom have a boyfriend she won't even wanna spend time with her own children! I sat on my bed,then i decided to lay down..I had nothing better to do. Then i heard someone knock on the door It was my mom...I don't need to hear her bullshit right now! Then she just opened the door and came in. she sat on my bed and said

"y /n why do you feel like I'm choosing Chad over you? "

"because you always do that... Its annoying "

"y/n you know i love you very much, and I love chad too... you guys have to get along I don't want my favorites to fight all the time! "

"I don't have to do anything, I'm Not going to talk to someone i don't you Know this so i don't know why you came in here trying to get something out of me "

"that's The problem y/n you think you're fucking grown you're not even 16 yet and and you're acting LIKE you pay bills and shit put a fucking smile on your face and be Happy you have a roof over your head "

"OK "

I rolled my eye's then she walked out... like bitch don't come to me talking shit i was being very respectful and she coming at me sideways and shit! Fuck her fuck jalen Fuck Chad Fuck life and just Fuck everything I'm ready to just give up! She's always telling me choose my boyfriends wisely but look at her. Always saying stuff like mama knows best... I'm pretty sure she does But Shit she ain't proving nun!

••••••Skipping to Friday ••••

Today's the day I'm going to Miami! YAY! Earlier today Breaa and Dior had confirmation from their parents that they can come and that made me more excited. They're coming to my House so we can go straight to the airport. I heard vashon dragging his suitcase down the stairs so that meant we were leaving soon. I got my suitcase and bag out the corner and dragged it down the stairs. I got me some Dora fruit snacks out the kitchen cabinet and stuffed some in MY leather shorts. Then i heard the door bell ring it was dior and breaa.


"yess turn up"

"I'm ready to leave now I'm so excited " -Dior

"yeah we can leave now guys " -Vashon

We got in a cab and stuffed our suitcases in the trunk and drove to the airport. Finally we got to the airport and there were seniors from our school there. everyone was talking and shit and vashon left us and went over to his boys and me breaa and dior had our side conversation

"so yall know a couple people from our class was invited also? " Dior started the conversation

"like?? "

"Aug,destiny, jayson" She said a couple of people from our class "

"august alsina? " I got worried and excited at the same time because I don't know if I'm gonna get the nice August or the mean August

"yeah what other August? "

"wow "

then Vashon walked over to us and said it's time for us to get on the plane. I got scared i hate getting ON planes even though I got on at least 5 times. I walked up the stairs to go into the plane and then i sat down next to breaa because i wanted to talk to her more about that nigga jalen and Dior sat next to vashon, of course she loves my brother

Then we took off and Miami HERE WE COME

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