chaper 23

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and this time I didn't pull away... August is officially My boyfriend... there won't be anymore shyness!

He layed me down on his bed and started loosening his belt. and i thought to myself "am I really about to get the Dick?"

Then he stopped and said

"naww you not ready" then started tightening his belt

"what? how would you know that?" I was confused

"well,it's just alot of other shit we can do before just jumping into sex" he came to conclusions

"you're right" I laughed

Aug is right tho...and bedsides in only 15 turning 16tho don't get me fucked up. It makes me laugh because I really was excited about doing this then i got dismissed But I thank Aug for that because being 16 and pregnant is Not in my mind .

"we should just chill and watch movies before your loud mouth friends come back " He said as he put Netflix on his laptop

"yeah.. let's have some US time" I said as I sat up

Aug...where can I start Aww man I'm already in my feelings! Am I the only one that sees That Aug is an complete gentleman now?  Imma be honest there's times when I do think about the negativity but when I'm With him he's the sun to my sky... something about him that Just makes me smile for no reason.

      *10:46 pm *

Me and Aug were watching movies (madea Or some shit) When dior and breaa came in shockingly they were quiet, mabey they're tired

"oh okay, I see y'all cuddling " Dior said as she nodded her head

"y'all looking too comfortable " breaa said as she sat in-between us

"no " I sat on the other side of Aug "don't come in here killing the mood" I said back

"well, Get used to it because me and y/n are together now." he smiled

"omg, you serious? " dior said as she widened her eyes

"yeah  :)" me And August both said

"oh my fuckin gosh,this is unbelievable" Dior said as she smiled really hard

she seems really excited,for what tho? we're just in a relationship

"well have fun" breaa said as she went in the bathroom

I can tell breaa wasn't excited about me and Aug being together...I just need her to look at this from my point of view

Aug said he was gonna go out with some of the boys from the other hotel rooms,and this is perfect timing to talk to breaa.

I knocked on the bathroom door she opened it and said


"what's wrong?" i said

"what do you mean I'm fine" she faked her smile

"no,really you can tell me Everything"

she stayed quiet

"are you upset that I'm with August?" I asked

" I'm not upset,I'm just worried that he's gonna steal you from us" she looked Dow

"he's not gonna steal me from you guys,if anything y'all gaining a brother" I stated

"yeah,but i don't like him...but whatever you say" she lightened up

" there for me okay" I said

"I'm always gonna be there for you" she hugged me

she kept hugging me until my phone ringed it was my mom here we go bruh

"yes mother?" I said with an attitude

"I need you guys to come tomorrow" she said with a dry voice

"mom no we've been here for only a little" I yelled

"please?" my mom never begs so something must be up

"ugh,I'll see you tomorrow" I hung up

I sat on my bed and begun to cry..not cuz I'm sad or sum it's just that I'm pissed i have to leave...and I was having such a great time..dior came behind me and asked

"what's wrong?"

"I have to leave,I'm going back to New Orleans " I wiped my face

"omgg no if you leave we have to leave too" dior said

"yeah cuz we came here with you and we have to leave with you" breaa said

"well,I'm sorry if i disappointed y'all" I said

"no it's okay,at least we got here and had some fun. but we should get packing now" breaa said

"ain't much to pack..tho" I said as i went to the bathroom to get tissue

I told vashon and he was really upset,and our mom is our mom and if she needs us we have to be there for her. but to be honest i think it has something to do with Chad. he's sneaky and im not over the incident with him trying to choke the shit Out of my mom.

I tried to call August to let him know I was leaving tonight but he wouldn't answer so i just sent him a text I said

aug,I've been calling you for 5 minutes straight. Im leaving Miami and heading back to New Orleans. call me back if you can and I'll explain everything to you. but see you when you get back to New Orleans

       so now we're heading back!

my mom's excuse better be good too

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if y'all had one word to describe each character what would it be?
and the next chapter is going to better than this one

He started Out As A bully August Alsina(Y/N story)Where stories live. Discover now