"I don't want to lose you in the crowd," Kimmon justified, hinting at the overpopulated area ahead of them.  After clearing his throat, he softly confessed his entire truth.  "And I'd really love to hold your hand again."

Shock apparent on his features, Copter silently stared at Kimmon, his dark amber orbs meeting Kimmon's deep midnight ones for a lasting moment.  

Maybe this was a step too far?  Anxiety creeping up on him, Kimmon frantically began to think of ways that would mitigate the situation.  But his churning mind went completely blank when Copter slowly reached his hand out and carefully placed it in his.  

At the shy contact, a spark of electricity rushed through Kimmon's arm and straight to his fluttering heart.  Feeling happiness overflowing through his entire soul, Kimmon gazed at Copter, who had now lowered his head again.  But, although his face was kept hidden from the senior's view, Kimmon noticed the faint red flush that touched the back of Copter's neck as well as the tips of his ears.

F*ck, he's going to be the death of me.  

Biting his lips, Kimmon took a second to restrain himself from giving into his instinctive wants.  Because yanking Copter into his arms and kissing him senseless right now would definitely be pushing his luck.  Instead, Kimmon gently linked their fingers, marveling at how perfectly they fit together.  After tightening his hold on Copter's hand, Kimmon led Copter into the swarming crowd, wishing that he didn't have to let go for a continuing eternity.   


Staring blankly at the ceiling ahead of him, Copter breathed in and out several times, attempting to calm himself down.  He really needed a clear mind to think things through, and it didn't help that his heart kept hyperventilating every time the memories of this evening replayed in his head.

Copter, I don't want to be in a fake relationship with you any longer.   I want it to be real.  You and me, being together.  I want us to be real.

I'm saying that I'd give anything and everything if I could be your real boyfriend.

Copter, I'm saying that I'm in love with you.

Feeling heat rapidly rise in his chest and coarse its way through the rest of his body, Copter weakly buried his face into his pillow.  F*ck.  It had already been so freaking difficult when he discovered his feelings for Kimmon, with him spending the past few weeks trying to keep them from spilling outside.  But it turned out that Kimmon felt the same way towards him?!  How was that even possible?!  And what was he supposed to do now?!  

His foolish heart immediately seized advantage of his current vulnerability.  It's simple, it gleefully declared.  You love him, and he loves you.  So what the f*ck are you waiting for?!  Go confess your damn feelings and date him already!

With flushed cheeks, Copter swiveled his body back around to lie face up on his bed.  Was it really that simple?  Maybe it was.  But the problem was that his messed up state of being kept complicating the matter.

Café Pit-a-Pat - Season 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now