Fairest of Them All

Beginne am Anfang

Anastasius, feeling sorry for the Lady Latifolia, sighed and leaned his head in his hands in obvious vexation.

If he knew he'd self-destruct like this, then he would've gone ahead and allowed him to escort his fiancee to the palace!

But it wasn't that easy!

The Sylveris' territory was hours away on carriage and he, the birthday celebrant, needed to be present to accommodate the guests!

Should I have ordered Adira to come here a day earlier so he'll stop acting like this?

Alas, the realisation was a day too late and his son was already self-immolating over here.

"Please excuse him. He's just sulking because someone's still missing. He'll be fine later. In the meantime, do enjoy yourselves in the party, please." Anastasius covered for him and turned to Stefan.

"Escort them, Stefan."

"Eh? Why—" he couldn't verbalize his complaint when his father gave him a firm look that there was no way out of it.

Why did it have to be me? He's the celebrant, he should do it!

Escorting the Latifolias back down where all the other nobles mingled, Stefan tried to be genteel and engaged in a few small talks with the Baron while Iris sneaked glances towards Casimir whose eyes never once left the door.

Is he waiting for her? Why is it always her?

She clenched her dress covertly and hung her head—not in respect but in an attempt to hide the ugly change in her expression.

A few more minutes of Casimir's anxious waiting, just when the amount of nobles that arrived finally dwindled, the doors that once closed suddenly opened again and revealed a beautiful set of family.

The Duke and Duchess Sylveris that were sparkling with life and pride and the adopted son that didn't shame their well-favored and dignified countenance.

But above all, was the Lady Adira Sylveris that went beyond her usual standard of beauty. A transcendental allure oozing out of her drastic change in her normal appearance.

Her hair was styled in huge and voluminous curls swept to the side and hung on her shoulder, her fringes were brushed up with loose tendrils at either side of her small and delicate face.

The dress she wore was an off-shoulder long gown that flaunted her snow white porcelain-like skin as it hugged her voluptuous curves before it fanned out mid-thigh on the same level where the front slit started and cascaded down.

Allowing them to take a peek at her smooth legs and black shoes also touched with twinkling stars.

In her back was a slightly long train also studded with a bit larger diamonds and crystals decorated sophisticatedly.

It was akin to a still lake that mirrored the velvety evening sky littered with stars and everytime she made a move, it would cause ripples upon ripples of tiny glitters from the small stones that caught and reflected the light.

A black lacy frill crept along the hem, accentuating her well-endowed chests, and crept further to her back, dipping to the small of her back in a V form and ending in a long thin ribbon with round golden bells attached at the end of it.

She was making an enthralling sound of her own each time her body swayed with movement, just like the light tinkling of the bells when she laughs, drawing in everybody's attention towards her and greedily hogging all of it.

Kind of like how pied piper drew in the children he took.

What they once considered as the most beautiful that night, Lady Latifolia, suddenly paled in comparison to this Lady that graciously strutted in. She was definitely on a higher plane of beauty.

Everyone was already wide-eyed with her entrance alone, what more when she suddenly smiled? Everyone's mouths were practically on the floor now and were risking their eyes from getting blinded with the sheer brightness of that beautiful smile.

There were no words that fit to describe her beauty now.

This is how it is done, Iris.

Ramir proudly extended his hand towards his wonderful sister as soon as their father and mother descended down the staircase and gave their names to the stunned servant that was supposed to announce their arrival.

But it wasn't even necessary. No one in the entire empire exists who doesn't know the Sylveris family.

Ramir felt a sense of triumph over every other men that eyed his precious little sister cause he was the first to lay his eyes on this magnificent lady and the first to escort her.

So he puffed out his chest in a boastful way as he flaunted his special place by her side. A place no one but him can ever occupy.

Casimir, who finally saw who he'd been waiting for, wanted to hurry to her side as soon as he saw her family enter but he froze on his spot—unable to take a single step nor tear his eyes away from her visage—when she came out from behind her brother.

To say that he was stunned would be quite an understatement.

And when she smiled at him, God knows how he wanted to leap across countless heads in a split second just to hide her away from these wolves' predatory gazes.

Only he had the right to see that smile! Only him!

"Wow. This girl really is something else." Anastasius, also blown away by Adira's ethereal doll-up tonight, complimented his son's chosen bride and casually tapped his shoulders as if saying,

Well done choosing her.

"Excuse me, Father." Finally, the unresponsive prince, for the first time that day, made a move on his own and walked in large strides to get to his fiancee even a second earlier.

All the while thinking what can be done to avert the people's attention away from her.

However, no idea came to mind. He didn't know if his mind wasn't working properly like it should be? Or is there really just nothing that can overwhelm her presence?

Finally meeting her below the long white with burgundy carpeted staircase, Ramir, after a good fifteen seconds of just glaring at Casimir fiercely, reluctantly let go of Adira and handed her over to Casimir.

His eyes never left her even for a short while. She was the only thing glowing so brightly and beautifully in his vision.

Her make up was done very delicately. It wasn't heavy and it highlighted every charming features of her face. It was done that it looked very natural on her face.

"Do I look that different?" She finally spoke with slight amusement in her voice and snapped him out from checking her out.

But, he only nodded gently before jolting slightly and shook his head. Not because of his usual lack for words but because he couldn't find the words to say how different she was.

"Do I look fine?" She held a worried look and picked a lock of her ash-grey hair as she twirled it around nervously.


This chapter was a challenge to write! Because I'm not that good with describing their dresses. Sad. But it was fun!
Anyway, the design was done by my best friend and it's gorgeous. I don't know if I did her design enough justice.
So comment your thoughts!
I really had fun writing this part!

Thank you for all who dropped a comment last chapter! shadowtail7, homie6723, CyonShon, Welart, GerlieBlackheart
and AryarRachogan.
Thank you too to those who posted a some lovely messages on my wall, voted on every chapter and everyone else that loves this! Thank you always!
Let's keep it up guys! 🎉 Banzai!

My friend drew the art this time and it's amazing! Considering how she did this on her phone without a pen or stylus or anything! Heck! I can't even draw the eyes! So lots of thanks to my best friend!

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