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I.M arrived at the council building within seconds. He was thankful for his vampire speed, because he was able to cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time. He pushed through the doors, a ball of nerves forming within his chest. He could no longer sense Hyungwon again.

Once inside the building, he looked ahead. There standing several feet away was their leader, Shownu. He winced at the disappointment shining in his leader's eyes. He should be sorry for what he had done, but he wasn't sorry. He had to find his fledgling and he couldn't be patient.

"I.M, what you did right now was reckless," Shownu said, arms crossed. "I thought we said we had to come up with a plan. We can't go rushing into the unknown."

I.M opened his mouth to respond but closed it. On either side of him his clan members appeared. He spotted the Ahgase clan with them. He sucked his trembling bottom lip into his mouth. Worry filled his chest as he remembered the unbearable emotional pain he experienced. Hyungwon was still in trouble.

"What you did wasn't wise I.M," Wonho said, hand on his shoulder. "You aren't the only one who is afraid. We must listen to Shownu. Please be careful next time."

"But, you all were going to sit around discussing while Hyungwon was suffering. I couldn't. I won't," I.M said, eyes narrowed. "You all felt the emotional pain. That's Hyungwon crying out to us. I didn't want to waste time."

Shownu nodded. "I can't fault you for that."

JB ran fingers through his dark locks as he walked over to Shownu. He stood by their leader looking at them. I.M watched the calculated look in their eyes. I.M knew how dangerous their situation was. He knew it would have been best to come up with a plan. But the idea of waiting around didn't sit well with him.

"We have to be on our best behavior," Shownu said, looking around.

"No, erratic behavior," JB said, looking at his clan members. "We are here because the MX clan need backup. We will not be the reason this falls apart. No one talk out of turn. Since there is no clear plan we are walking in blind, so we have to be careful. Like Shownu said be on your best behavior."

I.M wanted to laugh. He didn't know why they had to be on their best behavior. He gritted his teeth at the request. They weren't going to a meeting. This was almost a war. The council took Hyungwon and have harmed him. There was no room for negotiation. Their sixth member was coming home with them.

The click clack sound of high heels caught his attention. He glanced beyond the two leaders and spotted a blonde female walking towards them. He frowned at the smile on her lips as she approached. Her attire was nothing but black. When she reached Shownu's side, she stopped.

"Hello, Shownu. I'm glad to see you. Do you like my hair? I just got it colored."

Shownu's eyes widened. "Minhee? What are you doing here? I haven't been called. There has been no report of a sixth vampire so I—"

Minhee crossed her arms "But hasn't a new sixth vampire been made recently? Please don't make me laugh, Shownu. Everyone on the team knows about your little secret."

Shownu's eyes widened.

"Anyway, I just delivered a stupid squealing human to the council. The council paid me well, so I'm going to go shopping. I'll catch you later," she said.

Minhee winked at Shownu and then turned away. Her eyes landed on I.M, a large smile forming on her face. He frowned at the attention. He didn't know who Minhee was but there was something dangerous about her. He glanced around and noticed he wasn't the only one who seemed cautious. On his left, Kihyun's fingers wrapped around his wrist. The older vampire pulled him back and stood in between him at the other vampire.

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