Chapter 1

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"Baby, are you home?" I said as I walked through the house. When I walked to the kitchen, there was a note on the refrigerator. It says "Had to go take care of business. See you tonight, Ronnie."

Ronnie is in the Mafia business. He is the leader of the group. He ships drugs and weapons all over the world. When I got married to him, I knew what will come with it. I had my doubts about him and the Mafia, but I loved him regardless. Being a mafia wife is not that easy. You always gotta watch your back for the rivals of another Mafia group.

I walked upstairs to the bathroom to take a shower. As I got out the shower, my phone rang. I looked at the phone and it was restricted. "Hello?" I said. "You need to watch your back princess." A man with a deep voice replied. I was very confused on what he meant by that. I asked him "what do you mean?"

He said "just watched your back and stay away from the Mafia, Janet." The phone hanged up. How did he know my name, and why did he tell me to watch my back? I put the phone on the bed and went in my walk-in closet.

I put on some black Capri pants on with a white tank top and some running shoes. I put my brunette hair in a ponytail, grabbed my phone, keys and went in my 2013 blue Camaro.

I rode to the grocery store to get some vegetables, fruits, and steak. I went to the fruit section to get some apples and oranges. I was on my way to the vegetable section when I bumped into another man. He was 6 ft tall, with hazel eyes. He had on levi jeans and a white t shirt. He had a beautiful smile. He had black hair that was spiked up, and he was very buff.

"I'm very sorry," he said "I didn't see you." I was too lost in his eyes to respond. "Its okay. I was too busy to get to the veggie section, I didn't notice you coming around the corner." I said. He looked at me like he know what's wrong with me. He said" Your relationship is going down huh?" I looked at him like he actually knew .

To be honest, he was right. My marriage is going down hill. Every time I wanna have sex with Ronnie, he don't be in the mood. I only had sex with him a few times this year and sometimes, they be quickies.

I told him yes and explain to him why. He said" why would you marry a Mafia boss anyway?" "Because I loved him" I said. He gave some advice to divorce him and marry a man who will make love to you and be there for me. I smiled and said thank you. After that,I went to the veggie section to get lettuce, cherry tomatoes, and carrots. I went to the meat section and got two packets of steak.

I got in the check out line, and I saw the man with the gorgeous smile of his. He apologized again for what happened earlier and I told him don't worry about it. "My name is Joaquin." He said. "My name is Janet." I said. We shook hands and we talked again until it was time for me to pay for my groceries. After that, I went to my car and put the bags in there.

When I closed the trunk, Joaquin was behind me. He was standing there, smiling at me. I smiled back and got in the car. I waved at him and gave him my number and left the parking lot. I stopped by the wine store and got some red wine.

After that, I went home. I turned the car off and got the bags and the wine. When I went to the front door, the door was already open. I was very confused when I see the door was like it was screwed and kicked open. I put the groceries and wine down, and went upstairs to see my bedroom was trashed.

Clothes scattered all over the floor, feminine products was all on my bed. I went in my safe in my closet and opened it. My jewelry, money, and gun was still there. I went to bathroom and someone had wrote on the mirror with blood."STAY AWAY FROM THE MAFIA." it says. I was now scared for my life. I knew I shouldn't marry Ronnie.

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