Dancing With Angels Chapter 14

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***Jason's POV***

My body was slowly being brought to its limits as the training finally turned physical; thankfully Ken and Evelyn were keeping Mark from intervening. Even though I told him they meant me no real harm he still tried to lunge every time they got too close to me, it was mostly about evasion. All of them stopped before landing any kind of hit, at least physically, the mind games as I considered them had been a bit different. I could actually feel their minds touching my skin; even pressing against it as times, though none of it had hurt in anyway.

Still if Mark knew he would have tried to attack them, since his change he had become a lot more aggressive in his protection of me. Though he told me time and time again he had always felt the same, it was just that now he could actually act on his instincts; instead of trying to stay out of my way. I hated keeping anything from him for any length of time; but for now I would remain silent, I would tell him later once we were in a more safe location.

As the training progressed I began to understand why my grandmother had felt I was threat, at least when I thought about how I had been before. They had said I had felt like a void to them, that they couldn't sense me with their minds; now as I jumped around using my body and mind combined I understand why that was so important to them. I didn't need my eyes to see them, I could feel their very being; it was like a bright light within my mind, I could see their limbs and structures with my mind's eye.

The longer I dodged their attacks the more I was able to start predicting their movements before they made them, I could sense the slight shift in their energy flow. Finally the women stopped moving, they were smiling and nodding in approval; the eldest among them slowly stepped up to me. She took my hand as I blinked and we were above the arena; she extended her hand toward a seat, which I took gratefully.

"You're starting to really see now aren't you?" I nodded which granted me another smile as she sat down beside me taking my hand in her own once again.

"We are not as the humans are, we only grow stronger the older we get; do you understand what I mean by that Jason?" All that really meant was that I would get a bit faster, maybe more focused but it couldn't be by some major degree.

"As time passes your vision will grow stronger, all of your senses will; as you train yourself to control them you will learn things about others you can't comprehend at this moment. This is what makes you a real threat to the treaty, being one part witch makes you a growing titan, you can already keep up with me; and I'm nearing my death." The thought of her dying suddenly filled me with a great sadness, yet she looked to be completely at peace with it.

"Don't fret now child, I have lived a very long life and seen everything I ever wished too; you too will understand as you near your dying time. It will feel more like a blessing than anything else, a time of rest is approaching me and I will accept it when it claims me. This is the fate all creatures share, not one among the elder races is immortal; not even the Fae who reside over us all." I hadn't really thought about dying, or about how long Mark would live, his death would signal my own end, no matter my age.

"When facing the other races you must utilize every gift you possess, I wish I knew more of your angelic gifts, but sadly the rule of the Seraphim ended long before my time. There is much you must still learn, but for now at least you can offer a defense for the night's events should any try to attack you." I stood and looked back to the women below, I wasn't ready to stop yet I needed to perfect my new senses I had to be ready to fight tonight.

"Do not fear my prince, we stand behind you and not even the Fae can stand against a room full of our family members." She smiled as she stood herself and moved toward the edge of wall, the other women began to rise into the air.

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