Dancing With Angels Chapter 17

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****Drake's POV****

There were reasons I had loved Diana as much as I did, she hadn't shielded her emotions from me; not once did she hide her feelings like the rest of the females of our race. She was an open book, and from the first moment I saw her I loved her with every fiber of my being because of what she displayed emotionally. At the time that had been an unknown emotion to me, something that scared me but I was used to being afraid by that point. So I did the only thing I knew to do, I approached her and faced my fear; I've never regretted that move once in my whole life.

There was the bond as well; something I had tried to blame for my attachment to her, but that bond vanished the moment she died. Yet the emotions I held for her remained, the loss I felt wasn't like anything I had ever experienced. There was a part of me that had blamed Jason, and then I looked into his eyes; it was like she was staring back at me and I knew he wasn't to blame. That didn't stop me from being cruel though, it was my nature to be blunt and cold; but I had to change that nature now.

There were reasons I kept Jason at arm's length as well, he scared me on a daily basis; I didn't know how to feel about him because I couldn't sense him at all. I knew Diana loved him more than life, so he had to be important but I also thought that some point he would realize I wasn't his real father. At that point if I did have an attachment it would only cause me emotional pain to lose him and that kind of pain was something I never wanted to experience again. Only now was I granted the insight that I should have tried to see long ago when Diana told me she was going to have him.

The first time I actually saw Jason without the seals and bindings I realized all the mistakes I had made with him; he deserved better than me. Now I could see that same kind of light that Diana had coming off of him, I could see how much he loved me, how much he loved everyone. I wasn't worthy of that love, still he gave it to me without a second thought to it; it hurt but I deserved the pain after everything I put him through. I could honestly say that I loved him, I think I always had but now I couldn't fight it anymore; I couldn't deny it either.

Now I tried to follow his movements as he tried to stay between Tessa and Abigail he was using himself as a barrier between them; I prayed Abigail held back. From the sounds of it she wasn't holding back enough, I could hear the trees falling, I could even sense Jason catching them and keeping them from causing any real damage; all the while he stayed between them. He was truly amazing; Diana would be so proud of him, although I didn't think she would feel the same way about me. I had failed her, I had failed him by ignoring signs and pretending Abigail wasn't the monster she had always been in my nightmares.

Finally they stopped moving; I opened my eyes to see Jason restraining Abigail; his arms were locked around hers as Tessa stood several feet away with her back against a tree. I could see the anger rolling off of her, thankfully Jason was right on his gambit; she didn't want to risk hurting him. I tried to organize my thoughts, I wasn't good at stuff like this; I always ended up with my foot in my mouth. Still I couldn't let this continue, Jason could get hurt and that wasn't something I was willing to risk anymore.

"Release me Jason, she killed our Diana." I placed myself between Abigail and Tessa; she looked confused as I stared down at her.

"Tessa may have done what Diana asked, but it wasn't her who made the rules or the treaty, and it certainly wasn't her that would have held up the ruling. If you want to blame someone for Diana's death take a real hard look in a mirror and then you'll see who made her make the choices she did. You and the other elders are to blame to for her fear of loss, so she did what any mother would do to save her child." Abigail's eyes filled with tears as the words finally made their way through her thick skull; she looked almost lost for a moment.

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