Dancing With Angels Chapter 19

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****Cassie's POV

Two weeks, and one day had passed since Pip and I had escaped the castle and made our way deep into the Vale. I was surprised by the sheer distance we had traveled, but most of that was thanks to Pip who moved like the wind. The first week had been spent just moving further away from our pursuers, with brief moments spent eating, drinking, or doing other necessary deeds. I had even gotten used to sleeping in Pip's arms as he continued to run away from the Queen's guards. Now we had a small camp set up, but no fire, of course, but that wasn't necessary.

While Pip said they had seasons, and such, they were always mild and pleasant. Even their winters were only cold enough to produce snow for a short period of time. The more I learned the more I realized how alike the Vale and Earth were in nearly every way. That didn't mean that the Vale wasn't better in every single way though, as I had learned. The Elves lived with nature rather than opposing it or trying to make it submit to their will. Often times their cities and villages were designed to co-exist with their forest and mountainous areas.

"Only a handful of structures are on the ground, and most of those surround the Castle we vacated. Our natural habitat is in wooded areas, treetops, or something else along those lines. Most of our world is a refuge for long forgotten species of mammals, marine life, plants, vegetables, berries, and fruit. If we weren't on the run, I'd take the time to show you a Dodo bird or take you to the treetops of the predator lands. There are still sabretooth tigers roaming certain areas, as well as woolly mammoths, and so many other creatures." I couldn't help the smile on my lips, or thoughts of adventuring through this world in seeing everything there was to see.

"It's a real pity that there can't be peace, this world is amazing in so many ways. I just don't understand how it all came to be, is this an alternate dimension or what?" Pip looked like he was at a loss for words for a moment, but then nodded to himself more than to me from the way it looked anyway.

"Yes and no, it's a space that our first Queen created. An exceptionally long time ago there was more to Earth and our galaxy than your species currently understands." I nodded knowing that the elder races had gone to great lengths to conceal their presence. At the same time, I couldn't imagine things being too different, but then again, they had agents everywhere.

"Why don't all of the elder races reside here? I mean, it doesn't look like you're lacking space or anything for that matter." Pip looked away and then shook his head, and then sighed.

"Trust. None of us truly trust the other. My race did a lot of underhanded things long ago and changed much to our advantage. While it can certainly be said that we aren't the apex predators of the species, we certainly aren't prey. Our abilities were stolen in many ways, but our Queen says they were fair trades, which isn't the truth." Now I was just plain confused, but Pip looked ready to continue so I remained silent.

"I'd have to start at the beginning, but I'll still try to keep it short. The story begins before the thaw of the last Ice Age, when my people were nearing our demise. Our original ability was to glimpse into the future to a limited degree. While we were slightly stronger, faster, and more agile than some species, we weren't all that different from the humans of today. Yes, our ears have slight points at their tips, and our eyes are a bit larger, but everything is mostly the same." I didn't know if I would go that far, all the elves I had seen were beyond beautiful, and looked like photoshopped models.

"During this time period my species was nearing its end, or so they believed anyway. The climate had decimated our tribes and made them all wanderers scavenging the land. During this timeframe they typically sent our elderly out into the wild when they could no longer contribute to the survival of the tribe. It was brutal, but the only way they could continue to linger with the limited supplies they had. Our first and true Queen was one such elder who left the tribe before it was even asked of her." While I knew my own species had done similar deeds in the past, it would never cease being barbaric in my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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