Dancing With Angels Chapter 10

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***Jason's POV***

"You look better than I imaged you would, I'm quite surprised you're even sitting up given your miserable condition." She circled me slowly; my heart was pounding so hard I thought it might actually beat its way through my chest.

"It appears you've at least remembered your most important lesson from our time together, so I'll forgive your outburst just this once." A small part of me was relieved that she was at least pretending to be human; maybe I would survive with minimum mental trauma this time. 

"You're eighteenth birthday is in less than two months, it's a very important day for the both of us; but you must know that by now." I actually knew very little about the day in question, I knew I would be eighteen and considered an adult by the state, but more importantly I would finally be free.

"You truly have no concept of what you're to gain do you, Drake never told you anything?" She actually laughed at me, loudly as she shook her head continuing to circle me her fingers dancing on my skin.

"I really owe that man a bonus, I never thought for a moment he would keep it all from you, but he did; perhaps another twenty million would suffice?" My heart reeled from her words, so I had been nothing more than a job; but that was in the past all that mattered was my future with Mark.

"You can keep it all, I don't want any of it just leave me and never look back; I won't ever darken your doorstep." I said defiantly as I looked at her. Before I could blink her fingers were around my throat, as she slowly digs her nails in, forcing me on to my feet. The nails embedded in my throat burned ,as did my legs, however, my legs didn't hurt as much as before and I refused to show her any pain as I stood there unmoving.

"You don't get off that easy Jason, casting our name away is a costly thing to do, in fact it's penalty is death. On top of that you have to do it before my entire family, but I'll tell you what if that's what you want I'll give it to you smiling all the while." She released me allowing me to fall back into my chair; I stared up at her confused no one had ever said anything like this before this wasn't even legal.

"You're an insane old bitch if you think for a moment I'm going to just let you end my life, I have too much to live for to allow you do anything to me." The smack happened so quickly I didn't see it, but I surely felt it as my lip began to bleed; her eyes burned with so much hatred it scared me.

"I'll take it all away Jason; you have no idea how powerful I really am, I'll kill every single one of them slowly while you watch." I stared into her eyes seeing how serious she really was, but she couldn't really do any of that could she?

"Now you're just talking out your ass you old bat, even you have laws and rules to abide by or I would have died a long time ago." She smiled at me as she wagged her finger in my face, then she looked toward the door before leaning against the balance beams.

"You're protected by the blood pumping in your veins, they have no such protection from me and as long as no one sees they will never believe I did it." I tied to roll my chair toward her to find it wouldn't move a single inch, I double checked the brakes they had been released.

"Having trouble?" I stared at her confused as she approached me, she back handed me sending me and the chair flying backward. The chair stopped just before it hit the wall; there was now a scratch across my cheek, it would scar but that didn't matter as long as I kept it flat. No one could see how many scars I actually had, one perk to having skin like snow is you can't see the flat white lines.

"I don't even have to touch them Jason, heart attacks are so easily accepted these days, car accidents or even freak accidents." My jaw was still reeling from the impact I could taste blood in my mouth as I stared at her in shock.

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