Dancing With Angels Chapter 11

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***Jason's POV***

It was after three in the morning, Mark's birthday had come and it was nearing the time I would have to leave. Actually it was past that time but I couldn't let him go; I held him in my arms crying silently as he slept; he would never be the wiser. I had drugged him at dinner, knowing it was my only choice if I wanted to leave the house; the night I had prayed he had been waiting for me inside. It was then that I realized I had no choice in the matter, even when I was at my stealthiest he awoke and sought me out.

"I love you Mark, I always will but I have to go now; you'll never see me again and I'm sorry for the pain that will cause you. This is for the best, I'm going to run away and hide, but you'll all be safe as long as we never meet again, I'll always be with you Mark you're my heart." I leaned down kissing the top of his head, and then his forehead, my tears fell on his face causing him to stir; I had to go before I lost the will to leave his side for the last time.

Now as I crawled out of the bed I heard him whimper as my tears fell on his chest; I wiped my face as I stood pulling my jogging pants on. I put my socks and shoes on, and then my favorite shirt, it smelled just like Mark; at least I could take a part of him with me. Slowly I navigated the house, listening for any sound; I heard none until I neared the kitchen; hidden in shadows Cassie stood unmoving. She hadn't seen me or heard me yet, so I back tracked heading toward the laundry room it had a window that opened easily. I made one detour to the front door, I simply taped my note to it, and then it was back to Plan B.

It was more difficult to fit through but I managed without making a sound, slowly I lowered myself to the ground touching down softly. Then it was only a matter of distance and not leaving a trail, it was lightly raining it almost felt like ice which was good. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me, I had to put as much distance between myself and the house as I could. The park was nearly empty as I ran through it; I wanted to go home there was something that I needed to know.

I ran up the stairs into the building, then up some more to get to my apartment there were notices all over the door. After placing my palm against the door I started pressing with all my strength, when the door began to cry out I pulled back and then slammed my palm into it. I caught the door knob before it slammed into the wall, the place was a complete wreck and almost nothing remained.

"I thought you would come here, I've been waiting for you." I could see the form of my father deeper in the darkness of the hallway; I stared at him not knowing how to feel or what to think.

"What am I?" He stepped forward slowly; his face was clean shaven; something I had never seen in my entire life he looked like he was my age.

"You'll find out soon enough Jason, everything is about to be revealed to you." Still he was evasive; I moved picking him up by his throat and slamming his body into a wall.

"This isn't a game, this is my life." He only smiled at me and shook his head, I couldn't bring myself to close my fingers or even strike him with my other hand.

"I know that Jason, but I swore an oath to someone who was more vital to me than air itself; you mean nothing to me." The words hit harder than anything had ever hit me before, I felt staggered by them as I stepped backwards releasing his throat.

"Forgive me if I led you to believe otherwise, I thought I had been crystal clear when you were a child; my only tasks were to protect you and tell you the truth when the time was right." All I could do was stare at him, he wasn't human I could clearly see that, but why did I look this way; what was I and how could he be so cold to me?

"You're my father, you're supposed to help me, you helped create me; why don't you love me, what did I do?" His face became serious, it was a look I knew well his emotions were shutting off the fake smile was gone. My body tensed instantly preparing for any movement from him, a part of me wanted him to strike me.

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