Start from the beginning

“Yeah sometimes.  Is that even a real question?  Her and my parent’s became friends over the years, and she can cook so we are going over there.”  


“It’s only 3:57.” Chi Chi said.


“Yeah I know.  That means some of the food is already done so come on.”


Chi Chi laughed at me again all the way to the cash register.  We grabbed a few last minute things, such as blankets, diapers, a few more outfits and toys.  Chi Chi made me get this stuff anyway.  We already had enough at the house.  Once we were in the car and I was sitting down I felt so much relieved.


“Oh yes.” I said to myself.


“Before we go eat I have to call Hazel.”


“You have to call Hazel??” I asked confused.


“Yeah.  I have to check up on my baby.” Chi Chi said.


“She is only two years old what the hell can she possibly tell you on the phone?”


“In a second I’m going to teach her to say Auntie Mel mind your damn business if you don’t leave me alone.”


I fell out laughing as she made her call.  Once done we rushed off to Kathy’s house.  I swear I could smell the food from outside the door.  Kathy no longer lived in that shabby house on the edge of town.  She now lives a few blocks away from my parents, so it’s easy for everyone to get together for dinner and stuff.  


“So you aren’t going to knock or anything?” Chi Chi asked.


“Nope.” I said walking through the front door,” Kathy!”


I yelled out her name as I continued to head towards the kitchen.  As if nothing has changed, her frizzy brown, well gray now, hair and big blue eyes was in the kitchen stirring up something.


“Mel!  Oh it’s so good to see you honey.  My have you gotten big.” she said coming around the stove to hug me.  


“Hi Kathy.  It’s good to see you too.” I said.


“Oh and you brought Chi Chi!  Hello come in!” she said hugging her as well.


We both sat down at the kitchen table to rest.  Well I rested.


“So when are you due honey?  You look like you can pop any moment.” Kathy said giggling.


“Three days ago.” I wined.


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