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While we continued to work on the project, to be honest, I only paid attention to Noah because Marty, wasn't even paying attention and was just on his phone.

"Ok so what are we going to do about this?"I asked. He told me a joke and I laughed.

Then Marty finally spoke up,"So, Puffy Buffy, Why would wear outfits like that?"he asked and I got embarrassed. I turned red.

"Puffy Buffy?"he asked me and I ran upstairs, to embarrassed to even look at him.

I shut my door and tried to clam myself down, but I wondered, would Noah think I was a weirdo? I can't believe Marty would say that to me, in front of him out of all people.

Before I even got up, I heard a knock at the door. Then a voice.

"Buffy? Buffy are you Ok?" Noah. I can't believe he actually asked if I was ok.

"I'm fine,"I replied, then the door swung open, which revealed him with a worried look. I had a double take.

"What the heck Noah?!"I yelled a little startled.

"I'm not sorry, I had to know if you were Ok,"he said and I tried not to smile.

"It's fine, really, I'm used to it, it happens almost every day,"I told him and he looked at me in disbelief.

"And you let him do It?"he asked.

"Yeah...,"I trailed off.

"Buffy, Why let him bully a beautiful girl like You?"he asked and I just looked down.

"If you really don't like what he's doing, then you'd do the right thing and tell him to stop,"he said and walked out.



I only embarrassed Buffy because I couldn't really stand that Noah guy and how well they got to know each other. I was jealous, I'll admit it.

But now, I have this feeling that I've never really felt before since I embarrassed her. Before I went to bed, I asked my sister, Marta, over the phone, for advice cause she always gave me advice when I really needed it. And she's also in college.

incoming● ●call

Marta: Hello? Marty?

Marty: Hey sis

Marta: Hey bro, what's up?

°•:*bully: muffy*:•°Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora