Act Eleven

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I felt a painful stinging in my back. It was so long since i slept this well..

"Julie." A louder whisper woke me completely. Then I remembered. Faist! I looked around. He was not in the room. I found Jay standing next to me. He looked worried. All i was feeling was.. strange. Did he leave without even something silly as a note?

"I wanted to go stay at my uncle, but i think you should know." He whispered softy. He was still looking worried. Almost stressed. Last time i saw that in his face was when he thought that his car was haunted. In the end someone had ripped his breaks apart.. good thing he doesn't drive anymore.

"What is it Jay? You know you can take some of my clothes." I rolled on my back. Surprised by the lack of pain.

"Did you also say that to the adorable guy in your kitchen?" He raised his eyebrows. So did i. Guy?

"Help me get dressed!" I hissed between my teeth.


I grabbed Jay his shoulder. He checked if i was able to walk. I could. A big miracle..

"Let's go." Jay whispered. We slowly shuffled to the living room. The smell of breakfast greeted me. Jay must have been eating breakfast for a long time. My clock signed extra numbers i never saw in the morning. There he was. He was walking around in clothes i recognized as some of Jay's. He had so many clothes..

"Good to see you up." He smiled his words. Why was he so happy?

"I feel better than I probably should." I sat down on my couch. Mike smiled at my words.

"Good thing i woke you up multiple times for more painkillers then." He gave Jay a plate, who -in his turn- gave it to me.

"I have a lot of moving to do. I will see both of you.. well sometime.." Jay announced and left in a hurry. He knew something..

"Thank you." I made it clear that i was saying thank you for both last night and the breakfast.

"Don't mention it." He was leaning against my fridge. When he does it, it looks cool. When Jay does it, it looks weird. He was looking at me.

"Can you stop looking at me like that?" I tried to make it sound like a question.

"I am just wondering," he spoke. "How many times does that guy fight with you two?"

"Enough. It depends on how much he drinks." I eat, trying my best not to look like a beast. "Can i ask you something?"

514 - Mike FaistWhere stories live. Discover now