Act Seven

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I took a few days off. Just to calm myself. Sadly that did not change the talks. Or the image it was leaving behind. Waiting in line was a cruel attack on me.

"She must have been too busy with other things to show up."

"Well we all know what that must be."

"That would not explain why Mister Faist was looking for her."

"Didn't he meet the boss a few times?"

"None of my business."

I moved a row back in the line. This talk was a little less hurtful than the others. And getting information on what i missed was important as well. It was kind of useful.

"I heard he yelled something the other day and it did not sound nice at all."

"I heard it too."

"We will see if that is true.."

If what was true? Was there another rumor going around? The elite crew passed us. They did not give the normal signal they always gave. What was up with that? Something did happen when i was gone.. Maybe someone would spoil it. The stars passed us in such speed that i could not even count how many there were. I could not even see if he was there. This was going to be a hard day.


Trouble. That was how i could speak of the time i spent working. I got eyes. I see things. The crew must have forgotten. Must have forgotten i had ears as well. I collected all the information i thought useful. All i could find was the same thing. Something happened with Faist. And it was everything except good. I was walking from my task to my break location. I was thinking where i should go. Taking my break on the steps would lead to seeing Faist. Taking my break with my crew would lead to words i did not want to hear. I did not hear the voices. I did not notice them. My head was so messed up. I remembered bumping into someone and landing on my ass.

"Oh shit," It was a soft voice. Female. "Let me help you up."

"It's fine." I looked up to find two girls standing before me. Elite crew. I got up from the floor. The girls looked at each other. This could mean a few things..

"Please tell me i did not fall in gum." I looked around my clothes to spot the -probably hidden- gum.

"No. You are fine." One of them spoke. The other immediately joined, but not about the gum.

"Is your name Julie?" She asked. I could only nod in responds. The girls turned to each other.

"Now we have a face with that name."

"Finally. Remember how long it took just to get her name."

"Well we could have guessed it when she was called on the walkie."

"She was?"

"Yeah she is 514. Remember that. A couple of weeks ago?"

"Holy shit. She is 514?" I put up my hand. There was nothing else i could possibly do to get between the two. They both turned to me.

"I am right here. And sorry for bumping into you. I am on my break. Sorry again." I spoke so quickly, it was a miracle i did not fall over my words. Before i could said anything embarrassing, i raced passed them to were my crew was.

514 - Mike FaistWhere stories live. Discover now