Act Six

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I ended up on the steps. My legs were heavy. I could feel a heartbeat in my feet. The crew probably had no idea that i was there. That doesn't make it alright to talk about me that way. Or anyone else. Maybe being fired was not such a bad idea. The loud sound of my stomach made me jump. The silence here was scary. That is why i loved it here so much. No crew that could speak such filth. No boss who made choices for you. No Faist. I reached down in my pocket. Every morning i put candy in my pocket. I case of an emergency. A snackmergancy. That is what i always called it. I held the little bag with mixed colors in my hand. This was the cause of all that. This stupid little bag. The anger in me took over. I yanked my arm as far back as i could and threw it to the wall across from me. That was my intention. It ended up somewhere else. I saw the bag fly through the air. Landing on the side of someones face. I jumped up, ready to apologize. Until i saw who i hit.

"Mister Faist." He stood there. His outfit was different from earlier. A dark grey shirt caught my eye. The part of his torso was tighter. I could see the different shade in them. He must have had a hard workout today. Probably dance class.

"I came to look if you were here. Not to get attacked by a bag of candy." He laughed his words. Why did he come to look for me?

"I wanted to apologize, but you deserve it." I spoke the truth. Right in his face.. I should not have said that, but he did deserve it. I moved down the stairs. Ready to pass him by. His hand flew right before me. His hand hit the wall between us. Making me stop forcefully. I did not want to look at him. I really didn't. So i looked at the ground instead. I could see the bag with candy on the floor. Right beside his sneaker. Shit. He was wearing joggers. Shit.

"What happened?" He sounded sincere. I don't know why or how he did. But it sounded like he did care. Did he come out of his dance class to talk to me? Maybe he just forgot to shower.

"It is not your business." I lied. He was a actor after all. He could fake anything. He was so close i could smell him.

"Well actually-," that is where i cut him off.

"Actually you should be in dance class." I cut him off hard. Maybe to hard for my liking. It would hurt him, but so was i. I pushed hard against his arm, almost causing him to fall over. His eyes looked shocked when i passed him. I could see them from the corner of mine. Those ice blue eyes. Those dammed eyes.

"Wait in the hallway tonight. I can-."

"Break a leg tonight Mister Faist." That was the last thing i said before disappearing in the hallway.

514 - Mike FaistWhere stories live. Discover now