Act Ten

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It took us half an hour before my face was looking a bit normal again. And for the bleeding out of my nose to stop. Mike did take his time. We talked about some weird things, but Mike did not tell me why he came to my apartment. He did everything to escape that question. He even helped me to my bed to avoid that question.

"Are you sure you don't have any other bruises?" He kept asking that over and over. Maybe too often.. I kept ensuring him that. My body was telling something different. I was sure half of my back was turning the most ugly colors. A disgusting rainbow of shades.

"Should i stay just in case?" I refused that offer so many times.. but he kept being worried.

"If it calms your worry. Than you can stay." I had told him. He was in the bathroom still  looking for the painkillers. They were on the table. Standing there. It gave me some alone time. The second the door closed i looked at my skin. It looked worse than i had hoped. The skin on my back was like a blanket. Dammed shades.

I moved myself in the most comfortable position. Laying on my left side was a must. I had the perfect view on the bathroom door. It took him a while before returning. A towel in his hand. He sat down on the end of my bed. His long fingers pushed some of my wild hair out of my face. He tried to hide it, but i spotted it.

"What happened to your hand?" My voice sounded like a whisper. I was really tired. The adrenaline in my body was dying down. And the medication was doing its job just fine.

I saw that eye roll. Kinda cute.

"Don't worry about it." He spoke more softly. He looked adorable in my clothes.

"Then tell me what you are doing here." I looked him straight in the eyes. I barely done that. And i never should again. Shit. He had no escape. Well maybe leaving...


"Spill it Faist."

"Well i heard a lot of rumors and that you took some days off. I was a bit worried."

I didn't try to look shocked.

"A bit? You came to me house in your costume. That is not a bit." I smiled the words. Mike Faist worried about me. How hard was i hit?

"Well when i saw you first in line i heard some weird talk about you. Then when i saw you on the stairs i knew something was wrong. Something really was not right. Then those rumors started and even more came. I tried to look for you and then i made it a lot

Worse. So i saw you today and i wanted to hang around at lunch. One of those girls from the other actors came to get me and told me what happened today." He rattled one word after the other. I was hoping my house was dark enough to be invisible. Listening to him talk about me was a... thing. I wanted to keep listening to him. Just him. Talking all day.

"So you decided to run up here in your costume."

"Yeah pretty much." He wasn't looking at me at that point.

"You knew where i lived for a longer time."

He turned away from me. Oh my..

"You little shit. How long?" I tried to sit up more. To show

I was more interested in the situation, but my back refused. Leaving me to only move some inches forward. He reacted to that, looking worried that i barely moved.

"Since maybe two days before you were called into the office." He whispered the words, but i heard it. He knew where i lived for a long time.

"Don't even try to ask if i have been before this door." I heard the irony in his voice. So he has been here.. I couldn't imagine him standing in this building.. before my door. Impossible..

I closed my eyes trying to imagine the situation. The situation did not pop up before my eyes. Sleep did.

"Whatever you say Mike."

514 - Mike FaistWhere stories live. Discover now